Instruments are too dark to be readable

On startup the instruments are so dark, that they are impossible to read. Sometimes it helps zooming in and out on the instruments. But during the flght training section in the sim this is extremely annoying. Is there a way to make the instruments brighter by some default setting?

I hope this doesn’t come across wrong, but, did you turn up the dimmer knobs in the aircraft?

Do you mean starting from cold and dark? Battery off, engines off etc?

Use the “flashlight” until you start up or at least turn on you batteries.
*Don’t sit there on battery only for longer than a few minutes, you’ll drain the power and not be able to start the a/c.

Engine(s) already running- Most a/c have overhead lights you can turn on as well as panel flood lights.
Example: TBM has overhead for both seats. I turn on the copilot overhead only because I find the pilots overhead a little too much…personal taste.
Look up to see/find the lights :upside_down_face:

I tried everything. And it is the same in the tutorials where everything is up and running, and you can’t do anything to adjust dim settings etc.

The problem is the same during tutorials that start mid-air or on the runway with the engine running and everything is set to go.

I might be wrong but I think the tutorials are hard coded with limited options avail.
How is it in a normal flight? Can you adjust lighting there?

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Yes - But to no avail. But apparently It is not a problem others have encountered. So perhaps it is more of a hardware issue?

If you have the Working Title mods for the G1000/3000, those remember your last brightness setting. When I finish a night flight, I have to remember to turn them back up when I park, or I’ll be faced with the same issue on my next day flight.

Can you post a pic, so we can see what it looks like?

Hello everyone.

Thank you for all your input. It turns out, that the monitor has some predefined settings. And one of these actually did make the whole thing come to light. It was not something that I notice on day to day use of the computer. But this was critical to the use of the sim.

So in short - This was a hardware issue, and not a program bug. The moderators are free to delete this thread or let it stay in case others run into the same problem :slight_smile:

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I have this problem. My vision isn’t too great and the real issue here is the very low contrast in the view of the instruments. Turning on the cockpit lights doesn’t help at all because it doesn’t improve the contrast.

I’m not clear from reading these replies if this is only a problem in the training. Is this fixed in normal flight? Also can someone explain more about how to alter the monitor or graphic card settings to fix this. I see a lot of posts saying “You can fix this in your graphic card settings” with no explanation what we are supposed to be fixing.

Which airplane are you flying?

For those using a Nvidia card: open the Nvidia config panel and change the settings from application controlled to Nvidia controlled. Raise the brightness from 50 to 60 and the contrast from 50 to 60 and the next slider from 1.0 to 1.2. That should do it.

Cessna 172

Thanks GaseousBeatle92 I’ll try it!

Sounds a lot like what I experienced.

If the suggestion by GaseousBeatle92 worked then that is it.

If not you might like to see if it is possible to adjust various settings on your monitor. If your monitor has some buttons or dials that make it possible to change contrast, level of light etc., that might do the trick. That is what worked for me. But the exact way to adjust these settings vary from monitor brand to monitor brand.