Insurance does not work at all and Career mode is buggy

The game just told me that I crashed and I had the middle insurance and that one didnt pay me a single dollar for my crash, just nothing. Now I have to pay 400k to repair my Cessna. The window did directly tell me that the insurance is covering 0$

No Idea how that crash even occured, I was landing with about 55 kn and VS about 100 feet per second as normally and suddenly got the you crashed window after I got contact with the ground.

That was my second Cessna for my second company (Cargo). Before that flight I went into a 2H mission where the game just crashed 10 minutes short of landing, no payment, but of course I had to pay for the planes maintenance (checked the stats before and they went down definetly by more than just a bit).

So now I would have to grind those landmarks mission with my first companies Cessna again until I either repair my Cessna (400K) or just buy a new one (about 250k), or make 1,5 to 2h long VIP or Cargo missions for other companies which pays me about 10k for 2hours.

It feels a bit that I just waisted about 40 hours for that and it looks like that insurances dont work at all at the moment


Insurance is broken, I crashed on land when taxing somehow. I had the highest tier insurance and paid 0.
I had a delivery mission where my plane was parked on a helipad on a rooftop.
Control axes are broken, cant see the ball move.
The normal career employee missions pay so less.
I need to get 80000 Cr to get my crashed 172 repaired.
Overall the career mode is fun, if these annoyances get fixed.

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How Insurance Is Broken:

  1. You pay all that money and it does not pay out when your crash
  2. Completely overcharges you when you have empolyees. Your insurance bill is more than your employees can actually make.
  3. Insurance i completely random when it charges you and if. Insurance payment 2nd day of playing was 16K. Sounds right. Next 5 days never charged! Than today charged 76K. Than I was charged a 2nd time… LOL because I decided to change my insurance to lowest one.
  4. I hope Asobo does something for all these insurance scams that have hit pretty much every player in the game, making the career mode 600x more difficult by overpayments… And NOT PAYING you when you do crash!!

I had 3 companies. 3 planes.

Two were set to Crew on. One of those had the cheapest insurance and one had the middle insurance. I flew about 1 hour in the morning. I logged off with around 63,000 credits.

When I logged back in that night my Balance was at 0 and my insurance billed me over 60,000 for that 24 hour period.

Is there any part of FS24 that isn’t borked atm?

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Is the insurance now working? I’m scared to fly my plane in career :smiley: