Intense turbulence over mountains, is it that intense?

They call it a game because it is intended to be used with x-box, and other than with lighter aircraft flying VFR, when MSFS came out, it was somewhat of a game.
Right now, I would say it is “starting” to finally emerge as a sim.
Even the more complex planes, like the A320 mod can be flown perfectly well now.
There are still a lot of outstanding issues that need to be addressed, but for those of us lucky enough to have it working well, it certainly has a “wow” factor that no other sim I ever used has had.

MSFS still has a fair way to go. There are serious issues that need correcting, in particular with CTD’s Others parts of the sim need to be made to operate more true to life, but the basics are all there.
I would say that if you realize at this stage, this is more like a paid Beta type of release right now, and don’t mind that some things don’t work well yet, you might enjoy MSFS.

If you haven’t seen this, and you have a half-hour to spare, this link will show you how MSFS was created, and you will see why it is significantly different than any other sim.