Interface : MFS20 et vRInsight CDU II

Hello everyone
Someone in the community may have encountered the problem of connecting MFS20 to VRiSim Software and the hadware CDII of vRInsight
If he has a solution, please be kind enough to communicate it.
Many thanks in advance

For which planes are you expecting to use the VRi CDU II ?

Merci pour votre retour
3 fichiers manquent pour n’importe quel avion mais pour moi c’est A320 Neo FBW ui m’importe
Un fichier dans le CDU II Panel.ini : pas de chemin vers le panel de l’avion choisi

Un dans la CDU II.ini : l’avion est absent il n’y aque des avions FS9-FsX

Un dans les keymaps de SFP2 : pas d’avion. Fichier DAT

Donc pas de possibilité d’insérer la fenêtre Du FMS (obtenue séparement par [AlGr] +click G sur le FMS de l’avion) dans l’écran du CDU II
merci pour votre aide

Translated from fr by Microsoft

Thank you for your feedback
3 files are missing for any aircraft but for me it’s A320 Neo FBW which I care about
A file in UCC II Panel.ini: no path to the panel of the chosen aircraft

One in the CDU II.ini: the plane is absent, there are only FS9-FsX planes

One in the SFP2 keymaps: no plane. DAT file

So no possibility to insert the FMS window (obtained separately by [AlGr] +G click on the FMS of the aircraft) into the CDU II screen
Thank you for your help

I guess here, the old SFP2 and driver/VRiSim is the very old way being used and for me, this is the way to forget as it’s not being followed and enhanced by the VRi devs in any case (outdated latest drivers from 2016).

In any case if a VGA connection is provided to the CDU II, there’s absolutely no reason we can’t move the FBW MCDU screen to it after ALTGR + LEFT Mouse click.

Further we have the existing Pop Out Manager which is designed to retain size and location

I know some already provided some solution for VRi devices handling in other sims, with newly build plugins working flawlessly

Now for MSFS there’s already a solution provided by FBW through a web browser requiring to install their provided SIMBRIDGE app with the ability to handle 4:3 screen format. There will be only left to provide keys input in some way, perhaps still using custom SFP2 inputs biding, as the Keymapping is provided. Otherwise using FSUIPC + VRicomm and keys mapping. Also have a look to Axis and Ohs or SPAD.neXt


Perhaps also having a look into Air Manager application with building or customizing an existing instrument, though the available binding list seems a bit empty atm on HUBOP presets :

Existing FMGS Overlay for the FFA320 handling input keys

Merci encore pour le retour j’ai de quoi m’occuper!
a noter que quand je lace VRisim le mappage des touches du CDUII est bien fonctionnel
je ne connaissait pas Simbridge je vais dons explorer cette solution

Je crains que malheureusement n’être pas à la hauteur de la tâche!
j’ai bien installé les pilotes de Vrinsight CDUII MSFS
et la fenĂŞtre DOS objective que la connexion au simulateur est faite
de mĂŞme que pour Simbridge

le msfs pop-out-panel-manager
Et la impossible de détecter le MCDU

peut être me manque t’il
mais là j’avoue ne pas savoir quoi faire
merci de votre aide si vous avez la patience !

Sorry, I’ll go out within minutes and will try to answer ASAP, when at home again in a few hours …

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Where did you found any MSFS driver ?
The point to understand, at the time of FS2004 and FSX it was shortened already to MSFS (M)icro(S)oft (F)light (S)imulator, so there wouldn’t be any new since 2016 apart been build by someone elsewhere

Something which may be interesting for you, though not found any CDU mentioned in the thread :

As they said, only VRiSim and Unregistred FSUIPC (v7 at least) would be enough, indeed a new SFP2 profile specific to the FBW should be created at first and available in CDU2.ini (here I’m using for the screenshot a non existing aircraft in FS2020, just to show the VRiSim popup window) :

Notice they don’t mention FS2020 :

In any case VRinsight is well-known as support-less delivery, so no expectation on asking them and receive answer …

There’s also this, for which I don’t give any credits, as I don’t know if it may work or not work with FS2020/FS2024 … Just for reference

MSFS Popout Panel Manager and SimBridge will not see the CDU II, they are not enough alone

If I have time I will try to see if I can build a running solution for FS2020/FS2024, don’t expect any soon in any case …

FBW MCDU after running SimBridge :

In a PowerShell prompt, this command will show the running Windows Captions/Titles :


Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.mainWindowTitle} | Format-Table Id, Name, mainWindowtitle -AutoSize

Here in my specific case i will retain the Title “A32NX MCDU — Mozilla Firefox” to be paste in the CDU-II Keymapper utility field in case of a future usage :

Voici un lien pour les drivers ils sont assez récents puisque datant de janvier 2023

Vous avez modifié le CDU II .ini pour avoir l’avion affiché dans la fenêtre de Vri sim
j’avais un peu tenté cela et même de confectionner un fichier aicraft dans Panel.ini avec un lien vers le panel du FBW A320 , sans succès !
merci encore pour votre sollicitude

Interesting link shared to the community
Seen the Github link you’ve provided and I think it should work straight forward, I will have a look into this.

Now, please forget all I’ve posted, as I’m about to share and explain a direct FSUIPC binding using A32NX Profile

Requirement :

  • Only FSUIPC (will check if Unregistred mode would also work)

Please wait just a bit of time, I will add the profile and details in a post.

Apart if having made a custom keys design by moving caps and labels in a different way, the initial layout is rather for Boeing type and should take in account we have to make an arrangement on FUNCTIONS keys binding

Here’s what they were suggesting (just as a reference and POV, not mandatory to be followed) :

And FYI, please don’t forget the current forums rules here, which are intended for English speaking audience. So, let’s take a bit of more time to translate on your side, to avoid hundreds of simmers triggering actions to translate, no offense intended in any case :wink:

I wrote this message in English, but it appears in French on the page once sent.
tell me if you receive it in English.

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Ok, now ended intensive testing and this following config works, though requires some prerequisites :

  • FSUIPC7 Install with active license
  • LINDA Install
  • No VRisim, nor SFP2 running

There’s a FSUIPC7 license key available for trying and experimentation, valid until 01.01.2025 here : FSUIPC7 Trial license - available here - FSUIPC7 MSFS - The simFlight Network Forums

FSUIPC 7.5 BETA available from here : FSUIPC7 version 7.5.0-beta Installer now available (for MSFS2020 and MSFS2024) - Announcements - The simFlight Network Forums

Direct download for 7.5.0c-5 (may change on SimFlight side over time) :

LINDA download from here :

Direct LINDA download link :

  • A new profile should have been set in LINDA for the A32NX FBW
  • VRi device should have been set properly in both LINDA / FSUIPC and seen / reported by FSUIPC logs
  • To be added at the end of FSUIPC.ini
[Profile.A32NX FBW]
1=Airbus A320 Neo FlyByWire

[Buttons.A32NX FBW]
0=P262,0,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L1,0 	-{Preset Control}-
1=P262,1,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L2,0 	-{Preset Control}-
2=P262,2,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L3,0 	-{Preset Control}-
3=P262,3,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L4,0 	-{Preset Control}-
4=P262,4,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L5,0 	-{Preset Control}-
5=P262,5,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L6,0 	-{Preset Control}-
6=P262,6,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R1,0 	-{Preset Control}-
7=P262,7,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R2,0 	-{Preset Control}-
8=P262,8,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R3,0 	-{Preset Control}-
9=P262,9,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R4,0 	-{Preset Control}-
10=P262,10,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R5,0 	-{Preset Control}-
11=P262,11,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R6,0 	-{Preset Control}-
12=P262,12,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_DIR,0 	-{Preset Control}-
13=P262,13,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_PROG,0 	-{Preset Control}-
14=P262,14,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_PERF,0 	-{Preset Control}-
15=P262,15,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_INIT,0 	-{Preset Control}-
16=P262,16,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_DATA,0 	-{Preset Control}-
17=P262,17,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_AIRPORT,0 	-{Preset Control}-
18=P262,18,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_FPLN,0 	-{Preset Control}-
19=P262,19,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_RAD,0 	-{Preset Control}-
20=P262,20,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_FUEL,0 	-{Preset Control}-
21=P262,21,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_SEC,0 	-{Preset Control}-
22=P262,22,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_ATC,0 	-{Preset Control}-
23=P262,23,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_MENU,0 	-{Preset Control}-
24=P262,24,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_PREVPAGE,0 	-{Preset Control}-
25=P262,25,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_UP,0 	-{Preset Control}-
26=P262,26,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_NEXTPAGE,0 	-{Preset Control}-
27=P262,27,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_DOWN,0 	-{Preset Control}-
28=P262,28,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_1,0 	-{Preset Control}-
29=P262,29,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_2,0 	-{Preset Control}-
30=P262,30,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_3,0 	-{Preset Control}-
31=P262,31,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_4,0 	-{Preset Control}-
32=P263,0,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_5,0 	-{Preset Control}-
33=P263,1,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_6,0 	-{Preset Control}-
34=P263,2,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_7,0 	-{Preset Control}-
35=P263,3,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_8,0 	-{Preset Control}-
36=P263,4,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_9,0 	-{Preset Control}-
37=P263,6,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_DOT,0 	-{Preset Control}-
38=P263,5,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_0,0 	-{Preset Control}-
39=P263,7,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_PLUSMINUS,0 	-{Preset Control}-
40=P263,8,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_A,0 	-{Preset Control}-
41=P263,9,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_B,0 	-{Preset Control}-
42=P263,10,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_C,0 	-{Preset Control}-
43=P263,11,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_D,0 	-{Preset Control}-
44=P263,12,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_E,0 	-{Preset Control}-
45=P263,13,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_F,0 	-{Preset Control}-
46=P263,14,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_G,0 	-{Preset Control}-
47=P263,15,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_H,0 	-{Preset Control}-
48=P263,16,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_I,0 	-{Preset Control}-
49=P263,17,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_J,0 	-{Preset Control}-
50=P263,18,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_K,0 	-{Preset Control}-
51=P263,19,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L,0 	-{Preset Control}-
52=P263,20,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_M,0 	-{Preset Control}-
53=P263,21,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_N,0 	-{Preset Control}-
54=P263,22,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_O,0 	-{Preset Control}-
55=P263,23,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_P,0 	-{Preset Control}-
56=P263,24,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_Q,0 	-{Preset Control}-
57=P263,25,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_R,0 	-{Preset Control}-
58=P263,26,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_S,0 	-{Preset Control}-
59=P263,27,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_T,0 	-{Preset Control}-
60=P263,28,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_U,0 	-{Preset Control}-
61=P263,29,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_V,0 	-{Preset Control}-
62=P263,30,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_W,0 	-{Preset Control}-
63=P263,31,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_X,0 	-{Preset Control}-
64=P264,0,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_Y,0 	-{Preset Control}-
65=P264,1,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_Z,0 	-{Preset Control}-
66=P261,28,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_DIV,0 	-{Preset Control}-
67=P261,29,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_SP,0 	-{Preset Control}-
68=P261,30,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_OVFY,0 	-{Preset Control}-
69=P261,31,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_CLR_Press,0 	-{Preset Control}-
70=U261,31,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_CLR_Release,0 	-{Preset Control}-

Thank you for this detailed feedback
Given the manipulations to be done, I will wait this weekend where I will have plenty of time

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