Interface : MFS20 et vRInsight CDU II

2 Points :

  • On SimFlight forums we have to create and login with an account in order to be able to download specifically. TRIAL Key “IS” mandatory required. Nothing of the current process would work without it.
  • The default MSFS A320 by FlyByWire, shouldn’t be installed (v0.6), only the one with the installer shown in your screenshot, so if you see it installed in the PROFILE / CONTENT MANAGER, you’ll have to uninstall it otherwise it will interfere with any related process to the A32NX and the CDU II will not work

–I registered on the forum and loaded the test key and it’s confirmed in Linda
–there is no NX FBWA320 in the content manager, except of course the one installed in the community by the autoinstaller; There are other A320 from Asobo only.
on the other hand I don’t understand what I need to do in Linda’s console?
i have this:

Where is the FSUIPC console??
20125 VRI com27 <— CMDRST [from Lua Plug-in]
20391 VRI com27 <— CMDCON [from Lua Plug-in]
20422 COMread: 8 bytes: 43 4D 44 43 4F 4E 00 30
22125 Lvars received: 2295 L:vars & 220 H:vars now available
22844 COMread: 8 bytes: 4C 53 4B 4C 31 00 00 30
22859 VRI command LSKL1 trapped as Joy 262 Btn 0 Toggle
22859 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=262, Btn=0, Pressed
22859 [Buttons.Airbus A320 Neo FlyByWire] 0=P262,0,CPA32NX_CDU_1_BTN_L1,0

i don’t find that

The LINDA console isn’t required, so the option can be set for now, to not to be shown (unchecked/disabled).

We find the FSUIPC7 Console by showing the FSUIPC UI from the Windows Taskbar system area, on the bottom right corner. Left-click on it and select “Show…” menu entry

Next, we get the FSUIPC UI displayed and we check the required Log options in the Log menu. There we need only the “Buttons & Keys” option checked (selected)

Eventually the Console will appear on each FSUIPC launch, the the FSUIPC running hidden in the background and accessible through its icon in the taskbar system area.

Just a point I’ve missed to forward to you @LCAFGIUS, I’ve read in your logs, you own the Gen 1 MCP (Combi 1 seen as FMER VRi device), so when time will come to confirm settings, I’ll have to check at first, the mapping for this device, as I’m owning the MCP2B VRi Combo II MCP, so there will be some discrepancy. Anyway, one step at a time, the goal is for now, to make the CDU II managing remotely and properly the A32NX FBW FMGS …

I have carried out your instructions
I’m sending you the FUIPC console window on two screenshots hoping that they are readable enough

Not that much readable on our side, please, why not paste directly the screenshots in the post than going through external repository. The forums here handle this properly.

Now that the FSUIPC console is ready, you can try pressing CDU II keys and see if the action is logged into the console, this would be the first step to achieve. If they’re not, we have to troubleshoot this.

[EDIT] Ok, I’ve opened the pictures link in another browser tab and it’s much better now (the pictures preview are not really readable)

Just noticed there’s some issues on finding MCP Combo 1 and CDU II linda config’s files, so we have to figure out what’s occurring there …

No, I still don’t have the functionality of the keys on the CDU II
I’ll try to send you the latest screenshots

Please backup it if any and try with mine, download, put it in C:\FSUIPC7\LINDA-CFG\aircraft\FlyByWire_A320_Neo\ then suppress “.txt” in the filename :

config-CDU2.lua.txt (2.8 KB)

Please let me know after testing !?

PS: also suggested a TeamViewer session in PM, in order for you to go faster ahead

Good evening
unfortunately it still doesn’t work with the small file you made me download

Teamviewer seems to be a solution even though we can understand each other; If I can read and write more or less in English, a conversation is another story! Why not give it a try?
Tomorrow I’ll be away, but on a weekday afternoon between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. it could be done.
We will have to agree on the version used.
A universal version is “TvW meeting”

Got it
I will be available all afternoon next Wednesday, if it suits you.
I will contact you thuesday to find out the terms of the connection.

Team Viewver QS is downloaded now!
i’ll wait for your invitation next wenesday about to 3 p.m .

Hi @LCAFGIUS, before we even plan to perform remote assistance, there’s a well-known issue I was facing when an external USB device was connected to USB Hub, there were cases where the devices input weren’t seen at all by the PC. So the solution was to disconnect those devices from USB Hubs, next reconnect them directly on available ports provided by the PC’s Mainboard.

Did you already checked if it worked for you this way ? (FSUIPC console should report you the input keys as “Keydown received” events if all is ok.

If it doesn’t work for you, in a next stage it also could be there’s some incorrect values to change in the registry, in related devices parameters. So, let’s report at first, after next stage of USB disconnect from hubs and next reconnect to natives USB ports ???

In any case, will be available today at UTC 14:00 (15:00 UTC+1)
No idea of your current status @LCAFGIUS ?

For the community sharing, the CDU II screen should be handled properly using Pop Out Panel Manager


Eventually the best setting I could find for me, to be customized on any taste and expectation :

The CDU Screen is 768 x 1024, so with haven’t the ability to auto fit the FMGS screen width to it, as POP OUT PANEL MANAGER will auto-resize to be in sync with CDU II monitor width, so still these settings are best for me

hello I resume the discussion after having acquired a new PC and cloned the old one;
everything is ok the CDU is on native USB and not on USB hub
I do not need “MSFSPopoutPanelManager” to correctly place the FMGs window in the VriCDU II, a simple macro: [Altgr]right+left click on the FMGS window is enough!
I think the problems come from the fact that I do not know how to configure Linda as the FSUIPC console seems to show
Uploading: -2024-dec-23-002.jpg…

By reading carefully and applying all required steps, you’ll be able to configure properly CDU II keys input. Notice the FSUIPC device index could differ in your case.

1 Like

Good morning
I actually have difficulty following, I remind you that it was you who started the discussion by changing the thread by going to my mailbox.
As for me, I’m not used to the niceties of this forum especially regarding sending screenshots.
I will be absent until January 6 and will try to contact you again if you have not lost patience with me!
in the meantime I wish you a happy end of year

Just to mention again, as already said by PM, the PM usage is only to avoid to clutter this thread with useless parts, like sharing credentials for assistance, technical preparation for the connection, lack of proper screenshots visibility, aso …
The goal is to paste here only the useful parts, like a a short summary describing at the end, what was the blocking situation on your rig and before this to concentrate on a troubleshooting session with checking stages (which are not so many, unwanted drivers running in the background, linda config, input keys not seen …). Nothing more than this.
Let me know when you’re ready … and please, let’s figure out … here a free suggestion for assistance from IT Engineer, I can’t suggest more than this, you’ll probably only have to feel more comfortable with remote assistance I guess and I’m not interested in making intrusive remote assistance on any PC. Just offering free help to make other simmers going ahead. As I have a lot to perform around flight simulation on my side, following this current experience and result, I will potentially have to take time to think and reconsider if I will conduct again such suggestion on the forums, in the case of steps don’t make the assistance easy.
So, let’s the situation going in the best way and think a bit further if you need assistance … or not, I can’t personally go against your own concern in any case. Can’t say better. :wink:

Further, here’s a wrong statement :

this wasn’t me who opened a thread through PM (Mailbox) as we see here :