Is Asobo abandoning Weekly Activities/Spotlight Events?

I don’t get it. Why not just make one of the landing challenges a Spotlight Event? There’s only been one since Xbox launch…

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I don’t think they can abandon them, they are required for an achievement, which the chap from Asobo said are a very important thing for Microsoft.


I mean that last spotlight one with the F/A-18 at Miramar never showed up for me & many others, no matter trying every possible fix to make it show. So I’m fine without the timed things.

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I hope not. I have almost all the achievements but I still need the decathlon one. I regret not getting the game for pc sooner and not being more diligent at checking for events. Some have gotten it, so it’s evidently possible. But I didn’t expect it to be so difficult. The achievement has “weekly” in the description… I’m kind of disappointed world update 7 didn’t include an event, to be honest

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Maybe it should be an achievement tied to the Asobo 10 year MSFS project. Having one of the achievements be an ongoing achievement would be acceptable to me: e.g. get the 10% every 6 months to 1 year or so. It would then be clear who cheats the achievement system by manipulating their system settings for the sake of attaining all thier in game achievments.

The achievement system’s credibility is questionable at best. I’ve completed all but the decathlon achievement as well. However, seeing how people have cheated the achievement system so blatently, it diminishes the credibility of many of the achievements earned.

The achievement system did one thing for me that I value. It prompted me to fly aircraft I wouldn’t have otherwise entertained. As a result, I now have a more fulfilling simulation experience amongst a broader variety of aircraft addons. I also enjoy a much larger appreciation for various aircraft types than I had prior to MSFS. I however consider that an Asobo achievement, and not one of my own.

Admittedly, the completionist in me is also frustrated that there was no new weekly activity today.

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