Is eliminating the stutters a myth?

Like every game in the flight sim series fs2020 has the stutters.

I have to say so far I’ve been pleased with the performance of fs2020 out of the box, and future optimisations will improve it. But I am like many other people getting micro stutters particularly around airports. They are infrequent and small but I’d love to get rid of them all together.

I’ve followed some of the guides and to be honest nothing helps all that much.

My question is, are stutters impossible to eliminate and something we just have to live with? Has anyone managed to get rid of them altogether? I could live with then as they are, but interested to know if anyone has a 100% stutter free experience?

Airports are near cities, cities have lots of detail. Detail is streamed from the internet. This takes CPU cycles.

Use the cache to download areas you fly around regularly = Very little stutter.

The latest update has eliminated stuttering. Let’s compare any place. Caravan or Cessna or TBM

The latest update has eliminated stuttering. Let’s compare any place. Caravan or Cessna or TBM

Eliminated stuttering…wish it had… mine has decided to get worse. Admittedly a high mid range machine…but to get worse…interesting.


Give any place on earth. I want to see stuttering again. (besides KBUR ORBX)))

Problem is manual cache only works for Photogrammetry areas

No it hasn’t

The best way for me was limiting Ai aircraft. Or not use Ai and Multiplayer together, because spawned objects/pilots take a big hit on resources.

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The only thing I found to get rid of stutter was to throw more CPU cores at it. Went from a i5 6600k to i7 10700k and the difference is night and day. When in developer mode it no longer shows the main thread as holding back performance but my trusty but old 1060 card.


Thanks for tip…I’ll give it a go.

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Had no stutters before patch. Now every cca 30 seconds it stutter. :frowning:

well, when we’ll got 2petabytes ram, probably this data base game stop stuttering, but, when we got 2pb ram, data base will 5yottabytes… so stutters will in any way

Hmmm… sounds familiar, but in my case it’s precisely every 60 seconds, and only in the bush trips. It’s due to the autosave function that’s used during the bush trips. No fix or workaround so far.

Other than this autosave issue, the bush trips run remarkably smooth (so far Patagonia and halfway through Nevada)

Turn off live weather
Turn off live traffic
Don’t adjust the weather.
Manual cache it can be useful
Try turn up level of detail a bit .
Good ping to server helpful, though in UK best I’ve seen is 29ms which I don’t think is good.No local servers for UK
Only running a modest set up so still get the odd stutter.If it’s bad I restart the simulation and that has mitigated it often.

I suppose I’m not asking if they can be reduced but rather can they be eliminated all together? Does anyone have a 100% stutter free experience?

Getting way closer. I flew a route dozens of times and knew exactly where the big, single digit fps stutters happened, every time. Tried various suggestions here and nothing really helped.
Gave up on my processor i5 6600k that was going to 100% on those stutters. Got a i7 10700k and now I can fly through those same areas stutter free. Everything is much more fluid and it’s way nicer coming in for a landing when you’re not fighting stutters. Still can get a slight hitch flying over NYC.
Hopefully the next patch will include some CPU optimization to take some load off the four core processors.

Yes. It is possible. I’ve been only flying bush trips last week.

I have no stuttering. Traffic is disabled and no flight plan

Read the article on premium builds com
It should be enlightening for fast GPU/Cpu owners.

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