Is KORS Installed or not?

I purchased ORBX KORS via Orbx Central. It is not shown as OWNED in Official Content and isn’t listed in Content Manager. When I go to KORS in the sim what am I seeing - the default or the Orbx version - I don’t know.

I checked the FS2020 install folder and it is there - but is actually installed? Very confusing!

That is a valid question, you omitted that part of the story. Did you install it? You only told us you purchased it.

Yes purchased it and installed it via ORBX Central.

Dave G

Then everything should be fine. Compare the visuals with the pics of KORS on the Orbx site. Then cou can be certain.

only content you bought from the MS store will show in content manager.

GO check the ORBX forums for this, but, i heard that sometimes the scenery can get installed in the wrong folder. Especially if you previously had the alpha/beta installed…

Post a picture of the terminal building. It’s quite easy to tell if it’s installed or not.

Thanks I will check next time i’m there

This is it - looks pretty good.

A great airport, looks good!

On the subject of installs, I noticed I installed MSFS on my SSD, but the one on my Orbx central shows in installing to the default c drive location. I notice there is a directory structure there just like on my SSD.

Do I change this or let it install to the c drive?

Yep, you have it installed.