Is MSFS 2024 headed to Playstation 5?

I gave my humble opinion in another discussion about the fact that MSFS2024 as a great value and content is climbing the Everest by having a sort of end to end business model (from basic general gaming to the niche tech simulation) and any combination in between…

I believe deploying it on Consoles is certainly a very valid business decision considering the nature of this sim and its accessible and versatile aspect.

But certainly a wide and versatile platform like MSFS would be tough to control on ay platform unless its reformatted for the specific experience of the platform itself.

And having said that, I sound like a broken record but I still and still hope that a PC streamlined version would see the light one day.

Or, another dream: The User Interfaces and general experience of the sim to be open for mods (for a PC / WIn style). :star_struck:

There are references in the game to PS5, but didn’t see anything Nintendo related. I doubt the new Switch can handle it, but who knows.

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I don’t really care where it ends up, as long as it bring in revenue for the devs to use to make this what it is supposed to be you know a “simulator” rather than half baking the sim and making it more arcadey, I am all for it. If it does go downhill from here and they focus less on the simulation aspect of the sim, as a real world pilot who love to use this sim to simulate real world procedures and all, I will drop the sim in a instant and just use X-Plane 12 and DCS.


I’m reasonably sure the one thing MS/Asobo are not short of is money, and lack of funds does. It doesn’t explain the current state of the sim.

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I have heard rumours that the sim might also come to the Nintendo Switch.

If all the rumours are true then it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that we will have one sim for the PC, Xbox, PS5 and Nintendo and with all the compromises that entails for it to run on all systems.

Since many here already comment that the sim has been dumbed down to work on the Xbox you have to wonder where, if true, this will end up.

Maybe a true ‘Jack of all Trades’ and a ‘Master’ of none?

It will be xcloud of course!


Another PC nerf to oblivion incoming.

I do not know who well it will work with Nintendo Switch even the rumored second one that will be severely underpowered to even the current gen console, I can not see who they will get a whole simulator to work on there.

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The incomplete state is the laziness of Asobo and the naiveness of the player base of enabling them to continue doing this by pre ordering and “forgetting” about the launch issues when a lot of it is fixed. When I said providing more revenue and funds is for the investment of the franchise long term and allowing it to continue for many years to come. I just hope in the end with them bringing the sim to so many platforms it won’t detract from the main thing of this being a simulator for us hardcore avgeeks, real world pilots, and actual simmers who simulate real world procedures. I see advantages and disadvantages to this, I just hope the advantages outweight the cons.

Sadly, for those who are in control, and furthest from the development process, they probably don’t care too much.

Is it making money? Good.
Is it a better flight sim than 2020 or X-Plane? Erm, is it still making money? Then I don’t care.

I would imagine there is immense pressure behind the scenes to get the Marketplace online, as ultimately that will be the lifeblood of the sim.