Is MSFS VR mode currently playable? Any suggestions for new VR pilot?


Hope anyone can give me some advice.

I’m new to MSFS with Quest 2. Just bought Logitech X56 H.O.T.A.S Throttle and Joystick Flight Controller and pro flight rudder. Very excited to play MSFS in VR with my RTX 3080 and 5600x.

But after playing the flight school in VR mode. Noticed some bugs remains like I need to use mouse to operate function in the cockpit that I have the function on my Throttle controller. And some instruction window sticks on my windshield.

I found these bugs noted in FAQ but current pending to fix. I was wondering if that’s possible to play MSFS in VR successfully. Do you can fly a plane from start to end in VR mode with these physical controllers? Or any suggestions to new beginner/pilot like me?

Thank you in advance. Happy Flying! :airplane:

A new pilot from Taiwan. :sweat_smile:

I’ve been in VR since the start and still tweaking and learning. You will find that you spend an equal amount of time learning tips and tricks and changing settings as you do flying. keep reading the forums as I’ve learned everything on here. I fly every flight successfully with a mouse and xbox gamepad. I’ll be getting a yoke next year hopefully.
I’m not an expert on the mapping buttons side, but you can turn off mappings for the mouse, it might be overriding the hotas. Again I don’t know but there’s plenty of threads on the forums. Have you got the A320 FBW downloaded?


If you want to fly before the next release/hotfix I advice you to download the Beta.
Regarding things that do not work in the cockpit, there is a mode selector you need to set correct.
Go to your General Options → Accessibility and under Cockpit interaction, switch it to Legacy.


Thank you for the reply. It sounds ok with gamepad and keyboard/mouse. But seems with controller it’s a different story. For example, I was in flight school training. Have to control elevator trim in one lesson. However, have to use mouse to control control elevator instead of controlling the “elevator trim” wheel on my throttle. It leads me feel confused and inconsistent in the current gameplay. :sweat_smile:

@GeirTeigo Thanks for the reply. I will modify it and check how the result. Do you currently fly with VR? May I know if you have meet bugs or you can fly without any issues?

I only fly VR since multi monitor still not supported.
I have not had any big problems with VR or sim in general, but be prepared to use some time to find the settings that works best for YOUR setup.
Following guides on youtube and forums where ppl share their settings is no garantee for success on your computer.
My best tip is to start with default settings and work your way up the slides. You shold find a post about wich settings that impact much or smaller, AND wich settings that affect CPU vs. GPU.
Also a tip is to monitor resources during testing to avoid 100% utilisation of CPU/GPU. When you get close to 100%, stutters and lag is introdused, and the only way around it is to free up resources by lowering settings.

Good luck

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Yeah, have watched many tuning/improve graphic and setup video on youtube and read many articles here. Currently it runs smoothly without issues. There’s few videos about how to fly in VR and how to resolve bugs in VR. Will try your recommendation later. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Similar to @SeeEmi1yP1ay, I have hundreds (if not thousands) of MSFS flying hours (pancake mode, mostly with the FBW A320), and got a Reverb G2 and a Turtle Beach velocity one for Christmas.
Despite all the current bug and limitations, VR is amazing…
I do not use much the mouse, as I have mapped all the useful controls (for the Cessna) in the Velocity One, and even flying blind it is very easy to find the yoke, the trim wheel (only for that feature the Velocity One is worth its cost), the flaps lever, the throttle push/pull lever, etc.
I fly SU7 (not the beta), performance is more than acceptable (with a 3060 Ti card), only one CTD in three days, and the bugs so far have work-arounds.
Still so much to learn about VR, though…

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I fly in VR and can do the tutorials, but they’re a pain because many start midflight with the objectives panel in your face.

Bind active pause to a button on your Hotas.
Check your bindings for elevator trim up and down are correct. I remapped the pov hat so that trim is on the stick where it belongs. It’s a very fine adjustment, but moves quickly if you keep it depressed.

In the lessons, my routine is to hit active pause once in the cockpit, then go to instrument view 10 (ctrl+0) to workaround nthe bug in VR that prevents you from moving the windows. Move the objective somewhere safer such as over the radios. Then check stick and throttle are working. Pop into and out of control options if one is not, then resume the flight.

I’m downloading the SU7 hotfix beta now to see if it fixes VR without breaking the rest of the sim.

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I don’t recommend doing the tutorials in VR. They’ve been buggy since SU5 (at least for me). Bush trips work great for VR.

VR is amazing if you can get at least 30FPS. Like others say, you’ll be tweaking for hours and hours until you find the sweet spot - but it’s worth it. I’m unable to fly in pancake unless my VR runs out of battery or it’s a 2 hour+ flight.

I highly recommend hardware for control. I have the AirBus side stick, Honeycomb Alpha and Beta, and the Logitech rudders. They add a more immersive experience in VR.

If you end up flying IFR without hardware, you’ll have to get used to using your mouse for controlling autopilot all the time.

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Wow, thank you for the detail explaination. Seems you experience what I met in the tutorial. And it’s acceptable the bugs and issues in VR compared with not flying in VR. Will try it later.

Would be nice to hear about the results after upgrading to SU7. Many thanks.

Really like your response! I don’t want to fly in pancake mode at all (That’s also the reason I bought this game because of VR). Thanks to let me know it can fly a trip in VR completely and thank you for letting me know what the term “pancake mode” mean :laughing:. Very interesting.

I have a power bank with my quest 2 so won’t have issue with long term flight. ; )

Well, the SU7 hotfix beta seems half fixed. I can move the windows while in the pilot’s view, but I still have problems with losing my throttle controller. I’ve seen comments about setting the VR controllers to legacy mode but I haven’t figured it out yet.

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Hey, just finished the testing for SU7. So far so good. After pressing Crtl+0, I can move the objectives window to everywhere I want. Throttle sometimes works from my end. If it doesn’t work, click the button using the mouse cursor. Basically, it’s much better than what I experience few days ago.

Wish the dev can fix the issue that the elevator trim is way sensitive, it supposes to be controlled by wheel on Throttle.

Aha, I found a way to decrese the sensitivity of the trim wheel.

The trick is to edit all files named FlightModel.cfg and look for Elevator_Effectiveness, Rudder_Effectiveness etc and change it from 1 to 0.2.

According to the link below.

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