Is MSFS2024 worth it

Reading back over my potential PC build notes I started a few weeks ago, this is one of the most insightful posts I have read since launch! Credit where credit is due (and to those who continued the conversation in reply)! If anyone has anything to add that was not already posted above, feel free to enlighten me and thanks for sharing.

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Why is it worthless? As I mentioned I have both installed myself but don’t use MSFS 2020 that much anymore. I think that once Black Square aircraft are fully compatible with MSFS 2024 I will remove MSFS 2020. Recently I’ve been having loads of fun flying the COWS DA40-XLS in MSFS 2024. I could be flying it in MSFS 2020 but I choose not to as I don’t have any reason to.


Well, there are an amount of issues. For general VFR flights or simple things it might work. However, we find several issues, even when compared with MSFS2020

  • A lot of airplanes (and I mean a lot) have some kind of bug. The Cows DA40 is a third party aircraft, so it doesn’t count. Generally speaking, 2024 might have an opportunity with third party aircraft.
  • Stock aircraft all have some kind og bug (from comms not working properly, to having to set anti ice on to turn on an airplane, passing through all the garmin issues, etc). There are even bigger issues, like 737Max, where even VNAV doesn’t work. That plane is a mess
  • The ATC is even worse than in 2020
  • Loading (passengers cargo and fuel) is anything but correct. Even seat positions aren’t correct.
  • Planning with the EFB is impossible, several times it doesn’t find a route, the fuel planning doesn’t work, etc.
  • Terrain issues are there and even if SU1 promises improvements, it’s a promise. We’ve passed through that. Now as of today, get some miles away form anything and it looks like TLOD and OLOD 50, withoug having dynamic settings enabled.
  • Textures don’t load pretty often
  • The UI is laggy, slow, cumbersome (there’s an specific thread about it).
  • The missions are completely blocked unless you have the time to enroll in career mode.
  • Bush trips are lost too, so all in all you have free flight, career and those short challenges
  • Marketplace is a promise, not a fact, and we don’t know what will it be when it comes to life
  • If you want to use LNM, you can’t, everything is encrypted
  • You always start from the outside of the plane, with all the glitches it might have, for example going into Jesus mode and walking on water
  • The promise of “90% of the current aircraft will work just dropping them into community” is anything but reality

I’m actually surprised someone asks “why” it might be called worthless. You could eventually argue if “worthless” is adequate, and eventually say “well for me it does work because I do VFR or short trips”, but the issues have been clearly described both here in several threads, in bugs and wishlists, and for some it doesn’t do anything significantly better than 2020, so its 180USD for something that might take months to shine.

You might disagree with the qualifier, but the issues have been thoroughly documented.


Then perfect! It works for your specific use case! Wish it was everyone’s case. However, it isn’t. Not everyone has the money for addons -which of course, being third party airplanes, they do work; not everyone uses VATSIM or IVAO, etc.

I personally think that when people say it works but relies on using VATSIM or whatever for ATC and not the in game ATC, uses third party aircraft and not stock airplanes, custom scenery and not default scenery (not your case, just adding), etc
 should be clarified for the good of everyone (just as I said in the first item that 2024 with third party aircraft might be viable, then list everything that doesn’t work, stock version). Else I think someone might get the wrong idea.

In any case I don’t think it’s bad to have you saying that, if anyone flies entirely on VATSIM, might use 2024 of course.

EDIT: well the post I replied to was deleted :frowning:

I deleted it because I was afraid I was coming across as a bit argumentative instead of letting people just have their opinion without it being challenged.

Nah don’t worry. It was a little bit argumentative, perhaps because it somewhat ignored all the issues (which you don’t suffer, but are there). But I think it was fine to describe a use case where someone finds it works.

While my “serious” introduction to flight simming happened back in FSX and i also enjoyed FS2020 a lot, i spend a lot of time in DCS as well
 I mean, Hornet is love, Hornet is life - or something on that line.

To me the 2 sims are simply for different use cases - if DCS offered a whole world (which i believe only when i see it, specially since they keep pumping out DLC maps prior to finishing previous ones) i’d still fly FS24 for all the GA aircraft DCS simply doesn’t offer.
Obviously i wouldn’t touch the Asobo Rhino anymore, but all the tail dragging fun is something that couldn’t be reproduced in DCS, regardless of map size / quality. It’s like flying FC for WW1 aircraft, simply a different use case: the right tool made for a specific job (or hobby), kinda.

I wouldn’t discriminate one sim over the other here, both got a LOT to offer, depending on the modules purchased in DCS and also 3rd parties getting involved with FS24.

My career in real life was testing motorcars.
There has never been a computer sim that completely replicates driving a car.

Likewise flying an aeroplane. It’s getting better, as experienced flyers of the particular aeroplane give input.

MSFS customers who have flown an aeroplane on the roster will be able to trim flight_model.cfg to replicate what they experience in the real aeroplane.

MSFS customers who have never flown an aeroplane must trust the developers, but I have needed to trim the Cessna 152 and 172.

That’s it. I have never flown a Wide Body or a Fast Jet. I have little confidence the devs have it ‘Bang on’.

MSFS2024, for me, would be money wasted.

There are three versions of RAF Cosford on
I have built my own. The Aircraft Experience Flight sheds are now like reality.

Clouds in FS20 are adequate. My flights are always VFR, as the Grob 115 Tutor by IRIS does not have ILS kit and Cosford does not have ILS anyway.

I installed DLSS 4 and landscape detail is better.

I only use the career mode. Degredation, Wear and Tear, as well as checking airworthiness of an aircraft are for me integral parts of flying. Although its not working well so far, this is where the simulation is heading for me.

So I tried a flight of cargo with a broken PCS-24 from one place to the other. Aircraft spawned half against the wall of a building, which is not supposed to be there, and crashed. I retried it, after restarting the game, flew two legs, earned 2mio and work my way towards a Longitude - hoping this plane works in VIP.

Mildly frustrated and close to not starting FS until main bugs are fixed.

No, it is a disgrace to all of its predecessors.

I’m using 2024 and have no complaints, just would like to jump in the cockpit without having to Shift C

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