Don’t know if I am crazy or not, but I cant seem to be able to tune an ATIS in IFR is there a way around this?? its frustrating not being able to know the conditions when you need to know them the most. I even find using COM 2 and entering in manually still doesnt bring up anything!
Make sure you are in control of the communications ( OPTIONS-ASSISTANCE-AI HANDLES RADIOS-OFF) Not sure if this is your problem, but I do know I have a very difficult time getting ATIS info if AI is controlling the frequencies. You switch to something and AI switches right back.
No definitely not the issue, thanks though… I fly with only one assist taxi ribbons at unfamiliar big airports
What is the distance to the airport? ATIS - in game seems to be around 50 miles. The Sim does not have Flight Services (FSS) built into it.
I am discovering, certain airports in my general area, do not have ATIS, while in real life the airport does. Can not get it when using published frequencies. Dropped a bug report to the Zendesk.
COM2, I generally use to bring up ATIS; dial it in, use Garmin to load, or let the AI mess up COM1 when the AI controls communication. I do not see a repeatable pattern in working or not working.
KBUR, is my biggest problem, sometimes has ATIS… sometime not! Have yet to find a correlation.
This is not glossing over the fact the ‘in-game’ ATIS is notoriously wrong from the live weather reports. METAR and/or TAF.
Yes, However if on an IFR flight plan you cant bring up this menu at all you have 4 options 1. Request vector to next waypoint. 2. Increase altitude 3. Decrease altitude. 4. Cancel IFR… Once your 8 miles or so from the airport they dont hand you over to tower on a visual which I never understood. The menu option just magically changes that allows you to contact tower or radio and finally if theres an atis you can tune in.
However in real life we can tune into the atis as long as we are in vhf reception area so we can be over 100 miles out at FL 240 and get the atis! We use a formula square root of altitude x1.25 it usually pretty good -20 miles. I wish this game was a bit smarter in that regard and if your IFR that if you tune up the correct atis freq and your with in the vhf reception area you can get the atis or at least be able to get a menu option allowing you to select airport so you can select atis… Would also be nice if on an IFR flight plan they would remove all airports without an atis if its not your destination I dont know about you but chasing airports in the nearest airport frequency page thats constantly changing is getting frustrating!
Ok so my method is to go to the nearest page on whatever aircraft I’m flying. I look at the moving map and find the closest large airport to me at that time. Getting an airport 20-40 miles away is close enough. Then use the waypoint page to enter that icao, scroll down to freqs, and then I tune comm2 to listen and enter ever freq on the waypoint page until I get that airport’s atis.
If that airport doesn’t have one I repeat the process with the next closest. Keep in mind this is inherently a pita. We definitely need the option built into the comm menu during ifr comm tree.
The FBW mod of the a320 includes the option in the FMS (finally) so yeah, Asobo does not support it but modders have included this option in the a320 at least
go to the nearest page…
highlight the airport identifier… (push button on some navigators)…
press the enter key.
should load the WPT page.
beyond the nearest limit you still have to enter on the WPT page.
Just a method I use to lessen the PITA part…