I can’t seem to find any way to mouse look in the free camera mode on the drone camera, the only way that I know how to look is with the numpad keys, is that the only way to look in this camera mode?
I manage to look around with TrackIR when using the drone camera but I don’t think it’s possible with the mouse though.
If you have an Xbox controller it works perfectly with the drone (and offers joystick-operated 360 degrees of camera and movement control) and doesn’t upset your mouse/keyboard settings. In fact, I think the drone was designed specifically for controller-style use (as IRL).
I can also highly recommend using an Xbox controller for both the Drone camera and also controlling Slew mode so you can move the aircraft around. I know it sounds silly to add a whole other controller, but the Drone Camera is so cool and the Xbox controller works so well that I think it’s worth it. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy - any wired or wireless Xbox game controller should work and be automatically recognized and fully configured by MSFS.
If you still want to try to use your mouse to control the drone, I can pull the commands that are mapped to the Xbox controller so you will know what you need to map. Since the Drone Camera is a totally independent View, it shouldn’t interfere with other commands mapped to the mouse. I honestly don’t know how well that will work with the though! Rick
I’ve tried mapping the same commands as are used for mouse control of the cockpit view, and mapped them to “Pitch Drone (lockable)” and “Yaw Drone (lockable)”, but they do nothing. If I bind them to “Drone Pitch” and “Drone Yaw”, it kinda works, but it erratic and twitchy. Frustrating, because on a PC it seems natural to use the mouse for view control and the WSAD to move.