Issues with crash detection

I’ve got the difficulty level set to true to life including crash detection but even nose diving the aircraft into the ground there is no crash detection. It used to end the flight but it doesn’t work anymore. I’m using the kodiak 100 by sim works, so not sure if it’s an issue with the aircraft or the sim itself. Anyone else having this issue?

Ok so I can confirm that crash detection isn’t working even with legacy aircraft.

Ok I’ve worked it out. Crash detection doesn’t work in development mode.any idea how to turn it back on when in dev mode?

Well, why in the first place do you want to let the sim decide when you messed up? Turning it off and evaluating yourself gives you the freedom not to fly into bugs or invisible scenery that ends your flight 5 seconds before touchdown. Been there, done that. After 5 hours of DC6 in a canadian midwinter storm Inwas proud to be still alive with 4 engines turning… until I hit whatever it was and the sim just told me that I crashed. Imagine my happiness that day ^^

Seriously, if „nose first into the ground“ is what you want, well okay, then just ignore this post, I wouldn‘t understand it then. But if you want to do a nice, successful and as realistic and fun as possible flight by the MSFS motto then keep it off, the sim‘s probably doing you a favour xD

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Has crash detection ever been enabled in developer mode? I guess that’s the whole point of the developer mode that you can “toy around” with your newly developed aircraft, without crashing all the time. Might be wrong though…

Not sure what point you’re trying to make. The ‘nose into ground’ was just a way for me to test if crash detection was working or not. Clearly that’s not how I wish to fly the plane! Crash detection is useful if for instance if you land too hard, or over shoot the runway and hit an object. I don’t want to get away with a poor landing because the CD system is deactivated. For me it has never been too sensitive if that’s what you’re saying?

Yep the last sentence is what I basically meant. I‘ve seen the logic behind that feature doing weird things. In P3D many airport sceneries have been created with invisible walls to do whatever the devs tried to accomplish, you often end up flying and crashing into them there, I assume that my DC6 experience was something like that too.

But yes, dev mode is not a flight mode, things like this are probably turned off for a reason.

Ah ok, I haven’t ‘bumped’ into these invisible walls yet,but I must have been lucky.

I’m flying in dev mode because for some reason the image is much sharper that when on normal mode. Same in windowed. Haven’t figured out why this is the case.

Out of interest, are there any obvious disadvantages flying the sim in dev mode? I’ve found a way to hide the menu bar at top and actually found how to turn crash detection back on. But I’m worried in some way I’m not getting same experience in dev mode if you know what I mean. Maybe some things don’t work in same way e.g live weather

Your flights aren’t logged, AFAIK. But the flight experience itself (flight model, weather impact etc.) should be the same.

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You can untick disable crashes in the dev mode options menu

Ok thanks :pray:

In my book crash detection - the way it is implemented currently - is totally useless, because the only thing is does is giving you a black screen with very little information on what went wrong. IMHO seeing the consequences of your mistakes is an important part of learning. An overstressed aircraft with a broken wing falling from the sky is certainly more memorable than the black screen of death. Also a botched landing that might break the landing gear or make you crack a wing most likely won’t be fatal. Same with a forced landing or wheels up landing, which might still give the pilot some measure of control to maybe avoid hitting something or at least try to keep the damage to a minimum.
So I see no sense in simply cutting to a ‘Game Over’ screen as soon as something goes wrong.

I agree, a more detailed feedback system would be useful. I seem to remember a programme called ‘passengers’ for fs2004 that had some kind of crash/damage report at the end of each flight. E.g damage to undercarriage after hard landing or a tail strike if taking off at too acute an angle

In options (Dev menu), there is an option for “Disable Crashes” which is on by default in Dev mode to help Aircraft developers by preventing the Test Flight from pausing/resetting during testing.image

Yes thanks I found it while rooting around in the options. Painfully obvious actually, should have spotted it earlier! Thanks for the help

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