Issues with W/T CJ4 and FBW A320

Afew experts suggested that liveries might be the issue
I removed everything from "Community folder " and started my flights froon a runway (no cold start in parking)
The mod CJ4 does not display any avionics, even when Ihave battery and avionics on
The FBY A32o is not even visible , outside or cockpit…

I’m back to propellors or stock jets

Current Working Title Mod for CJ4 is 0.12.11.

Can you confirm your version using Content Manager? Community Mods should show at the bottom, if you filter by Installed on the left hand side.

@fbw: you definitely have installed the fbw marketplace version as well. Both, the fbw via installer and the marketplace version don’t fit together. You should double-check and deinstall the marketplace version.

Thanks a lot CasualClick and Rossizwift! I rinstalled FBW with the installer and the latest WT CJ4 and both work perfectly. Best website to look for help :smiley:

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