It’s January 10th - Play 2024 or Don’t Play 2024

Maybe the best reason to keep 'em flying in 24 is telemetry. They will learn from our flying what is working and what is not by observing the telemetry from our flights in 24. This was my big learning from months of SU15 beta, that they get more useful information from the telemetry read out than our scattershot bug reporting. And not that we should not report bugs when they can be completely documented, a daunting task for most of us, but our time is better spent using the product while they are fixing the product. Vent if you must, but let’s play and give them the data they need while we enjoy what we can flying in 24. That’s the best play we have to get things changed to meet our actual needs.


I have better things to do with my time… 2020… Let them learn from that.


To date… we’ve not been given evidence, that we’ve been listened to, nor what concerns they’ve acknowledged, are a priority… I feel condescended to, and it will take a monumental level of debugged-ness to even considered spending the time to configure, and learn 2024… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


The promise of 2024 is pretty high. It would be great if someone created a mission generator for 2020. In the hour or two i get a day to mess around in the sim i end up in 2024 because there is more to do.

2 months in and it still doesn’t work properly in VR, it’s just a mess. My respect for the QA team and the Microsoft hype merchants is pretty low.
I can safely say I will never purchase through the marketplace again, 3rd party dev sites only. It’s an insignificant protest but a factual one and the only real way I can express my annoyance about the lack of transparency before taking my money.


Can’t see your original post, but having tried a few things in MSFS24 I’ve reverted to free flight in the 172, turned off all the guides, use Simbrief/Navigraph and LittleNavMap for flight plans and charts and Sayintentions for ATC. The 172 works ok and I don’t use VR. So I’m no longer encountering the frustration inducing issues I was previously - especially in career mode where many people just didn’t know what they were supposed to be doing with many of the features (without doing a load of their own research online and maybe finding a solution or workaround - if they were lucky) as there was very little explanation of anything. I suspect this was because explaining how things should actually work would merely confirm that in many cases it most certainly did not. When there’s doubt about what is supposed to happen (such as with live weather etc) then it leaves it with us to chatter amongst ourselves about whether it’s working or not. And of course there are the in-your-face bugs. That said, when the sim works ok, it’s enjoyable so I’m sticking with it - albeit in a ‘basic’ form. Sadly what this means is that I might as well be using MSFS20.
I love that MSFS exists and I fully support its future development. I congratulate everyone involved in creating what they have so far, but as many have said - I remember there was a(n) (un)popular post on here early on warning us it wasn’t ready for release - it has come out far too early.

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I’ve been playing with flight sims since I got my first ZX Spectrum, so maybe that sets my level of expectation ;o)
But seriously, the only crashes I have had so far with 2024 have been due to pilot error…
I can see that lots of fixes are required but I am content with what I can do in game, for now, and have uninstalled 2020.


Since this morning i cant start the sim…

That’s not how telemetry works and it does not replace bug reporting. Actionable telemetry detects anomalies but it doesn’t do that if the system is doing exactly what it is supposed to do because the programming is bad. For instance, if you code your program to state that 1+1=11, and then acts on that variable, your telemetry will show no anomaly because your code is doing what you programmed it to do - It’s only when a user (external or internal) sees that result and reports it as a bug that it then becomes known.

What telemetry will show is the sim not shutting down gracefully (CTD) and the error causing it, poor network performance, etc. Is it going to reveal that ATC gave you wrong vectors, that airport lighting is too bright, that the flight dynamics is bad, a river flows uphill, there are no seasons, or there are way too many trees? Nope because the sim is doing what it was programmed (incorrectly) to do.

And with so many bugs that are obvious to anyone spending 10 minutes in the Sim, pouring through logs is not the best use of their time when thousands of simmers are telling them exactly what’s wrong.

I am so glad I didn’t fork out for 2024, I’ll stick with 2020 for now.