After 1000 complaints about ATC thru out the life of FS2004/FSX we get the same problems again. What is this talking to Generic Aircraft, who flies 20000 ft above assigned altitude, where is proper vectoring? I realize its not going to be prefect but you can make it at least 75% realistic. Seems to me you don’t want to reprogram it. Take a look at a plugin for X-Plane called 124th ATC. Its far from prefect but 100% better than this.
I stated this a few days ago Bluetooth headsets don’t connect. They don’t.
With clear skies the sim is to washed out. I find myself adjusting my monitor with each flight. I’ve never had to do this with with FS2004/FSX.
Please fix the fuel problem with the CJ4/Longitude. It’s way off.
Don’t get me wrong I love Microsoft Flight Simulator but I don’t want to pay almost triple the cost of FSX and get some the same problems all over again.
In my opinion!!
Dennis Volz
You said it, “Take a look at a plugin”
How’s the default ATC in X-Plane? Probably garbage.
FS2020 is so obviously designed to be a shell for mods and the community. Just give it time and a plug in will come again for the ATC. How do so many people not understand this?
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Yes, X-Plane’s is garbage! My point is one man in Europe built an ATC plugin from the ground up that puts Microsoft and X-Plane to shame. Its by no means perfect, you have to go with Vatsim for that.
My second point is Microsoft got countless compliments about the ATC in FS2004/FSX but chose to release MSFS with the same ATC and only changed the voices. With artificial intelligence today they could and should re-wright the ATC portion of the sim.
I realize it a game, but I’m sure you understand that avid flight simmers like us all over the world don’t think of it as a game. We want it to be as close to real as possible.
Thanks for you response