It's getting worse and worse with the Career Mode

Bugs galore man:

  1. Passive income: sometimes it works - sometimes not - it’s just a buggy mess. I did not change anything the last 4 days - and yet sometimes I get income, sometimes not.

  2. Crashing your plane when taxing into an invisible thing: I was slowly taxing when all of a sudden my plane turned over and I crashed. Lost the mission and 200K repairs. What the actual f*** is this mess???

  3. Routes are not propperly in the EFB/GPS - mission says go here - nav says go there. What is it now?

I could go on for days. And this is the new “core thing” they announced with MSFS 2024? It’s the most broken of all. Good Job!

But of course - to quote MS: We created the most immersive experience ever. Yea - fml and your experience. Nothing works here as it should.

Can’t wait for the devblog - if they don’t cancel it again like last time.

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  1. Passive income is only accrued while you are in the sim flying a career mission in another plane than the one(s) you have set as ‘Crew On’. It is awarded once every 24 hours at a set time. If you are in Career Mode when the revenue hits, you may need to exit career mode and re-enter for you to see the accrued money.

  2. The invisible object bug is annoying. I think it may be tied to certain airports. There was one in Italy that I got for two different flightseeing missions and crash during taxiing when trying to taxi to the hold short. It’s a grass taxiway with a grass runway. I should probably find it again and report it.

  3. I ignore the blue rectangles during flight. I only use them when flying the pattern at destination. The sim doesn’t seem to care. I follow the GPS waypoints and have got a few S tier mission completions while ignoring the blue VFR course.

Thanks mate. I know how passive income works - I sometimes get some, then not - regardless of how often I fly myself. It just seems bugged at this time.

I encounter the same stuff, I’m also just hoping it will be fixed in the future. Espilecially with the missions one ends up in airports one would have never seen, but those airports are often bugged:

  • double windsocks
  • wrongly placed lights
  • static planes that appear out of nowhere
  • the taxiway punishment when trying to do a u-turn
  • forklifts/cars/trucks driving around without a driver
  • hangar too close to the taxiway
  • holes, bumps or other geographical anomalies like tiles etc.
  • etc.

In the end i enjoy the career mode too much and just hoping things will be fixed in the future…

I feel the pain tho