Ivao new client

i have downloaded all that is required for the new ivao client, however does anyone know how to actually connect to the ivap network, we used to have it added on the top bar p3d/xbox/fsx days anyone share how to or what to open up to connect as both the desk top icons give me nothing when i select, teamspeak works ok, but just cant figure out how to get to the connection part, manual is quite useless…!

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Hi! First you have to open FS2020 and set your flight, then open IVAO Pilot Core as administrator and finally IVAO Pilot Client.
It’s very important to run the installer with administrator rights too.

If you have problems with fps drop, follow these instructions http://forum.ivao.aero/index.php?topic=350218.0

fantastic, many thanks it now works a treat, and very clear on freq…

You’re welcome! :+1:t2: