Will Microsoft’s atr on fs2024 have the new physics and aerodynamics included ?
i surely hope so
i might have been cruising it too high
The ATR 72 ceiling is at 25000 feets, and usually it cruise between FL200 and FL240
I’m super excited about this module as well. I’ve been watching those videos, and they are wonderful. I spent a solid couple of hours doing circuits in the ATR until I could to a touch and go without setting off any alarms.
If I had one wish it would be to enhance the lighting. Just because it’s not great in real life, doesn’t mean they can’t simulate an upgrade.
Module. I assume you mean aircraft. Right?
I reckon you are being a tad facetious here. “Modules” is simply what people who are used to playing DCS call what in MSFS circles are known as “addons”. That term is just as silly if you want to be pedantic, and certainly doesn’t mean “aircraft” in the real world, correct? Plus it covers scenery, tools etc (just like modules in DCS apparently).
PS personally I get much more annoyed by people referring to aircraft as “birds”, “this bad boy” or “she”…
Calm down. It was a genuine question. I’ve never heard anyone call them modules ok and this isn’t DCS it’s the MSFS forum. Your assumption is that everyone uses DCS and those terms. If referencing an aircraft it’s probably better to call it by what it is. A module can be anything in general terms. Hence my genuine question. No need to go attacking straight off the bat without considering the context or any assumed knowledge.
I assumed that module was a mis-spelling of model, no big deal.
what white window?
I guess @CaptainSlow8606 is mentioning the initial visual difference brought by the lateral window filtering, making the result whiter
However, though I may be wrong, IMO I feel it less annoying than before watching the screenshot, it could be some adjustment have been applied. In any case we’ll see better when the update will be there. Hans specified some fixes have been made, but the main concern was adding new variants …
Again we can’t predict on this one until we get the new release in hand …
Going off the above posts…
I’m certainly looking forward to the next module update as this bird is bit of a buggy bird at the moment and so I can flythis bad boy like she’s ment to be flown
Oh but seriously…
I really hope that those main bugs are ironed out… Especially the v-pf but when you do a rnav approach as well as the rumbling main gear when on the tarmac after a flight
Workaround for the rumbling main gear is activate the acw ground power in the efb.
That is such a strange workaround though, I sincerely hope they patch that out.
Hard to say with knowing what the 2024 SDK is like. They did say that it would be a simple process to convert 2020 aircraft to the 2024 flight model during the Flightsim expo presentation. But it wasn’t clear to me what that meant - convert existing aircraft using CFD to the new CFD or what? I can’t imagine converting a non CFD aircraft (like the ATR) would be simple.
Other than. CFD There are likely to be lots of other new physics options that -as always - it will be up to the dev to enable and configure for their model. But all very hard to say at the moment.
I’ve been flying with DX12 lately, and I’ll add another bugaboo. I applaud the tinted windows on the cockpit, but I fly at dusk and dawn a lot. I can’t see much out the front, and the side has a white reflection on it.
Passing some altitude, it´s normal to ATR 72 climb at 500ft/min. It´s a sow clmber. I always fly full load and nevver had to use MCT to climb.
I swear, if the white window bug isn’t fixed yet I will lose my mind. Such an immersion breaker and it turns me off from ever using it. Especially at night.
Fingers crossed.
Agreed. A simple reversion to the previous would be better than what is currently.