JF Arrow III Rudder Trim

The JF Arrow III used to be one of my favorite aircraft to fly in the sim, but after we lost the mouse over % readouts on trim and throttle/propeller/mixture axis with Sim Update 5, I’ve been finding it pretty hard to trim out to fly level.

The rudder trim indicator does not seem to move no matter how much I scroll it left or right.

Could other Arrow pilots here give me any tips on what rudder trim settings they use for takeoff, climb and cruise?

And if anyone from the JustFlight team is readying, can you confirm that the rudder trim indicator is functional or whether it is bugged?

In basically every single engined aircraft you simply add rudder trim until the aicraft stops rolling.
Since this rolling/yawing depends on the speed/power setting combination, there’s no fixed setting.
You need to re-adjust rudder trim with each speed and/or power change.

Thanks @PZL104, I’m certainly familiar with the concept but was wondering if the POH had an exact recommendation for setting the rudder trim for takeoff etc

According to 3 different RW PA28 manuals rudder trim stays neutral for takeoff.

It would be impossible to have a fixed setting for any other situation, especially since this varies between individual aircraft.

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Appreciated- thanks!

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Sorry, missed your profile description.
If I would have read that before posting, I would have left out 99% of my initial reply :joy:
(and 75% of my second reply!)

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Not a problem, hopefully the reading of this thread will come in handy for more novice simmers who have similar questions about using the trim :slight_smile:

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