Joysticks not working

My Logitech extreme 3D pro does not work in the Japan or world map options, buttons work but not the X, Y and Z axis. It does work in the flight training and activity options. I had a logitech attack 3 and had the same problem so I think this can only be a problem with the game. I have sent a bug report to the ZENDESK now for three days and have not received any help. still MICROSOFT HAS MY MONEY AND i AM SITTING HERE STARING AT A GAME THAT DOES NOT WORK MADE BY PEOPLE THAT DO NOT HELP.

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Does Windows recognize the controllers and does Windows calibration show proper button and axis response?

By chance, did you buy the sim through Steam? There is a known glitch where Steam won’t recognize the controller and passes that along to the sim.

Actually it is not my problem. I paid for the game and expect to get customer service if something is not right, not ask a bunch of other customers. And how do you know I did not research. The joystick works fine in training but no where else. Where do you think I can find the answer…


and [TrickyManatee60] either help or go find something useful to do…

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JOYSTICK. Initially I had problems with my T16000 (which I bought and cost twice the price of MSFS Deluxe). After Update 4 it is finally WORKING and basic axis work smoothly. Thanks to the team, now it is recognized and and its buttons can be more easily configured. See figure on Basic Controls.

Good landings.

Are assists turned on??

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I don’t think so…I just don’t understand why in the two pods it works and the other two not…

What do you mean “I don’t think so”? Go into options and check that Assists are turned off!

StangDriver, at the time I didn’t know whether the assists were on or off. My question to the developers is. Why does the game recognize the (recommended) joystick, that works faultlessly in the “training” and “activities” but not in “world map” and “Japan”. It’s the same joystick. (and the assists are all turned off). When I start a flight in world map or japan, the plane just takes off on it’s own without any input from me. The axis are not available, although the view buttons all work fine…
I find it irresponsible of Microsoft and their minions to leave it up to “The community” to fix their poor development after all we didn’t pay the community good money for this game.

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So you are sure that the co-pilot isn’t flying?..when in cockpit, bring the option menu down and click on the pilot head

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No co-pilot, no auto pilot…just the ghost pilot…

I had the exact same issue with the same exact joystick. When flying, use your mouse to go to the top and a dropdown menu shows up, select “AI Control” and then turn off “Control Aircraft”.


I had the same problem for quite a while now but i did what YeanlingSteak47 and StangDriver7226 said and im flying again. With training, landing and bush trips you are in control by default. in free flight you have the option to have the ai take control of the plane. somehow in my game and apparently also in yours the ai auto pilot option was turn on. check it out, it may work.

Thanks mate, that did it ! she crashed into the control tower. I had to go to the little wheel and turn on the AI button…this is why I didn’t see it before…
