From the friends list, I’d like to be able to see which friend is online, click their username, and in the additional options include a “Jump-to” option, allowing a user to instantly jump to a friends location and fly near/with them. This would alleviate searching around the large world map for the specific friend you’re looking for!
Currently when a friend wants to fly I’ll need to search around the map (in cases where a airport is not the start especially), I need to pan around to find the specific friend I’m looking to fly with.
I would like it to be easier following a friend into the map.
right know I would see that a friend is online, and can see his coordinates, but i cannot click on it, I will have to go to world map, type the coordinates to zoom to the position.
then i can click his plane and select as start and jump in. But when I am in, i have to find him somehow, he would have bee flown furhter since i clicked to jump in. so if I cannnot see him, I hav no idea where to search.
see friends position von vfr map.
see friends as marker on the compass or as poi (like landmarks or airports)
Or am I missing something and there is also an option to have this easier?