Jurassic World helicopter


I watched the new Jurassic World movie and I loved the helicopter designed for the film.

Now that we have a space ship from Halo and Top Gun related content, I was thinking why not this helicopter?

Thank you

Only if we can have dinosaurs running around somewhere… ;p


I want maybe that bird from JP1, S76? On other side there is H135 available somewhere on flightsim.to, if also this livery don’t know. You can only miss that big turbine…

there are some jurassic park liveries for the free h135

and if you want dinosaurs

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Oh wait I didnt notice the ducts on the side of that thing do they rotate or are they for forward momentum only?

In the movie they rotate. I’m not sure if the function. Maybe speed?

if they rotate I would guess like a harrier down vert lift up horizontal …