Just Flight Turbo Arrow Question- LV Light

Has anyone figured out what the LV light in the upper right of the instrument panel is for? I know if I give the engine some oomph, it turns off, but I don’t know what the point is of it being there in the first place.


Low Voltage.

Low voltage (battery not charging)
Normal if your engine is idling very low on the tarmac so increase the revs a bit
Check you have turned on the ALT switch (alternator)
If you forget to do that eventually that battery will go dead and your Garmin displays will turn off!

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@GruesomeEight66 Thank you!!! Yes, I always have the ALT switch on, even b4 I start the engines, this was more of a “please educate me” question. And you did. So did @TaupeTerror3931, so thanks to both of y’all. I am now edumacated. ← (Oddly, the spell checker didn’t tell me that was misspelled.)
