Just some overall feedback from a scenery developer on the current state of developing

I have a background in XPlane scenery design and am fully ready to embrace MSFS. To keep this short and sweet though, there’s a couple very annoying, bordering on absolutely obnoxious problems that I have with developing for MSFS as a whole.

First and foremost - Why is there no way to reload the scenery inside of the simulator like on XPlane? If I’m working with complex mesh, I have to export my scenery, move it to the community folder, and then completely restart the simulator and reposition myself to view my changes. This is absolutely obnoxious and takes up so much time. There should be an option within developer mode to reload the scenery completely so you don’t have to restart the sim.

Speaking of restarting the sim, I shouldn’t have to sit through the World Update screen every single time. Just cut to the chase and bring up the main menu, or at least add an option to skip it.

Lastly, in terms of mesh editing, it is currently impossible to make straight vertical cliffs. We often use this as developers when we model tunnels, drainage ditches, or other areas below ground level where we insert a 3D object into the gap created in the mesh. This is currently impossible on MSFS and is quite an important tool to have for many different airports.

Anyways, that’s all I have to say. Would love to see these features implemented, as they seriously hold the sim back big-time for me as a developer!


Pretty sure I read they are updating the SDK so might be fixed in next version. Good things take time.

3d models are updated automatically after export from 3ds\blender if you have the project open in the sim - No need to restart the sim.

If modifying textures\adding new objects: Build project - close project - open project. Voila.

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