Justflight Arrow pink propeller

I have an issue with the Justflight Arrow 3. the propeller is pink from the front, from the back its ok but since I bought this in the ingame store there are no updates. I tried to post this to the justflight forum but for some reason I cant make a topic there.


We’ve moved your topic into the Community Support category.

The Bug Reporting category is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce. Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the Community Support category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug Reporting category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

If you believe it is a new report, then create a new bug topic using the provided topic template.

NOTE: All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.

Have you tried uninstalling the addon and reinstalling? Completely deletes the PA28 folder after uninstallation. I have this plane but don’t have this kind of problem.

I will try that.

Tried it and it did not work.

Does this only happen with this aircraft ?

I found this post ( Wings are now pink since su5 - General Discussion & Interests / Aircraft - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums) which may, perhaps, provide a solution. I haven’t read it all.

Yes this is the only one. I have no problems with any other aircraft.

Try to see this page Pink / purple textures on aircraft - #26 by antzdeman and contact a person who encountered this same problem, particularly Pabbicool

Which version are you using ?

If you are asking about the sim its fully updated so the same version that is out.

You can send an email to JustFlight support, support@justflight.com, telling them that you cannot access the forum and explain your problem.
Then you can try to remove all the add-ons in your Community folder and check if that solves your problem. I doubt it, but at least you tried.

Was a thrid party Paintjob.

So no more problem ? Cool.