KADW - Andrews - CTD Analysis by Community contributions

I continue to be impressed with the ingenuity of this community!

Fantastic work sorting out a temporary work around until the issue gets a more formal ‘fix’ by the developers.

@trex5365 The posts in the logged bugs thread should be enough to alert where the exact issue seems to be concentrated e.g. (https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/pc-ctd-both-safe-mode-and-normal-location-specific-washington-dc-mall/464127/74)

@N6722C I hope you don’t mind but I edited this post slightly (in the bug thread) (https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/pc-ctd-both-safe-mode-and-normal-location-specific-washington-dc-mall/464127/74) and mentioning it as a temporary work around, and marked it as a solution in that bug thread for greater visibility.