Keine Serververbindung mehr

Bekomme seit heute mittag keine Serververbindung mehr. Keine Sprachausgabe des ATC und sehe auch keinen Spieler mehr online. Was ist das für ein Problem?


According to the Code of Conduct, English is the official language in the forums. The one exception is allowing members to use their native language in the #multiplayer category.

Please take this into consideration as you continue to participate in the forums. Thank you.

In response to your question, others have also been reporting online multiplayer problems. More discussion in this thread: Multiplayer dont working? with some workarounds mentioned there.

If it continues to be a problem then please file a bug report on Zendesk, using the “Submit a Request” option on the top menu bar. Include a detailed description of your issue.

I had the same issue on Saturday. I restarted my router (FritzBox 7490) and everything was ok again. A restart of the computer didn’t solve the problem.

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I have the same proplem i cant play for more than 10 Days…

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