Kind of rediculous for a serious simulation - Basic functionality missing

I read somewhere on this forum that turning off the VFR map improves FPS and it does in my case.

By turning off it don’t mean just closing the window, but by going into the Settings icon on the top when in game, I think it’s called Custom Toolbar or something, and turn the slider for VFR Map to off. It gave my quite a nice FPS boost.

I tried that and it didn’t do anything on my side, I wonder if it depends on the hardware.

Although I agree it is way below any expectations, I read several posts from real pilots stating that it is very close to the real thing, at least with the current GA options…I hate a lot of things right now, but calling a game maybe it is too much.

thanks. so can you edit the size of trees that are in and around just one airport and not all? I wanna edit the tree size of just one airport and not all.

i have an i5-8600k, gtx1060 and 16gb ram and can run the sim at 40-60fps at very high / ultra settings. Idk what’s wrong with your guys’ computers…

Popular concensus is that you’re talking hyperbollocks mate.

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Fix the potato you call a PC. Good parts don’t mean crap if you can’t look after your PC properly and from the sounds of it, you’ve got 13 countries worth of spyware in there to get yourself up to those load times.

Or stop exaggerating to justify this silly little rage.

Ok Fanboi.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, now!