King Air Question

No it doesn’t, the 2nd part of the screen was blank. None of those 3 methods you explained fixed the problem. It was until i installed the mod the gentleman suggested did it get fixed.

And I agree with that gentleman that probably a mod or a corrupt installation causes this.
I could not reproduce it.
Really glad that his advice solves the issue and that you are up and flying👍.
Happy flying🌞

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Not worth the effort until they decide to finish their flight dynamics update. Any fixes you put in today will be broken by the next update.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

I flew the King Air last night and didn’t see this problem, but I did have a different problem where the AP indicator won’t turn off with the autopilot. I suppose I will also have to install the G3X mod from working title.

Personal Comments

The way to alleviate the relative bare-bones of the G3X (which also applies to the Working Title Version) is to install JD’s King Air Mod for GTN750 and the PMS GTN750, which gives you a more full-featured MFD. If you purchase the subscription/paid version of the PMS GTN750, you get even more features.

No guarantees what Working Title will do with the G3X, it’s literally almost the last of the Garmins that is on the schedule for refresh. Everything right now is EA development for CJ4, G3000/5000 and GNS430/530.

Feel free to take these points into #third-party-addon-discussion:tools-utilities for a more detailed conversation as this is currently about the Stock KA.

BTW: JD also has a Mod Improvement for the King Air airframe itself. Also recommended.

Asobo should just take the G3X out of the Kingair and slab the Proline 21 in, can’t be that hard for them to copy it over from the CJ4. Only need custom engine instruments?

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If you do decide to try it make sure you download the free Working Title CJ4 mod.

Yes, it is very odd that the devs decided to put G3x in the King Air when there is a Proline implementation already for the CJ4. I won’t fly the King Air until that is sorted out (which is a pity, because I remember it was a nice plane in FS2004.)

On another note, I find the control panel for the Proline avionics extremely messy and poorly thought out. The G1000nxi is much nicer to use. Not sure if this really reflects reality or just the simplified representation in the sim.

Thanks guys, this thread turns out to be very informative.:blush:
I will have to catch up now with reading about flightdecks and their different layouts😉

What control panel? The FGCP? Don’t compare the CJ4 and the Kingair too much, what is displayed is the same, the hardware (index control panels and FGCP) are quite different.

In the CJ4 there is a panel above the PFD and another below the MFD with a rather random selection of buttons and dual-axis rotary encoders. I find it lacks a coherent theme :wink: It works well enough once you get used to it I guess. Maybe I spend too much time with G1000nxi.

PL21 implementation in CJ4 is pretty close to reality. One of the WT team actually flew the jet regularly. For the few things that are INOP, he commented you’d hardly ever touch it IRL.

Back to the KA and staying on topic, I don’t see a PL21 implementation unless a 3rd Party does it (well). Someone tried before and it was quite the mess.

The Kingair does not have a similar panel, it has a index control panel and a “standard” FGCP and of course MCDU.

Personally I don’t care if there’s a Pro Line IRL, as long as the G3X works well.

How’s the current state of the G3X? Working Title suggest to drop their package, but use the stock G3X.


really I’m not that fan of this KingAir in sim avionics but NDB can be finally set?

I don’t know the details. But from what I read in various places it still seems to be the better option to use e. g. the GTN750 mod (with the compatibility mod), or switch to the analog KA.

Soon y’all really get me to spend money on the analog KA, because it comes up so very often, and seem to get nothing but praise.

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to be clear, I was asked because I can’t say about working well in case that this important basic navigation equipment can’t be still set :wink: To me I don’t care about KingAir because if it has been fitted with G1000 or maybe analog gauges, this will be my one of favorite, not now.

Then maybe the free GTN750 mod and JD’s compatibilty mod is worth looking into – not a G1000, but free to try.


already installed quite long time inside my Carenado Seneca, my preffered GA aircraft for IFR flights at my life…

Well, the problem with the G3X Touch is Asobo did not even model that correctly. The actual GDU 460 display has 2 knobs, an SD card slot, and 4 buttons.

The correct operation of a G3X Touch would be per this manual:

Note: This link is to Garmin’s website and the product is Copyrighted (C) Garmin and contains Trademarks associated with Garmin.

The bezel in the King Air cockpit as provided and modeled by Asobo more resembles the Pro Line Fusion. The correct avionics suite for a B350i.

So we have the sort of bezel for a Fusion and the workings of a very poor G3X without the proper buttons and knobs.

So it looks like they intended to build a Fusion and dropped in the G3X at the last minute when they ran out of time. The most popular business Turboprop in the world deserves better. Come on third party, give us a real King Air 360.

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