I’m using an Index and while the performance isn’t great what really kills it for me atm is the lack of motion controller support.
Practical example why: I’m using Onair and started a new Company. I rented a C152 and wanted to do a VOR to VOR flight.
Now… how do I see frequencies while in the air without memorising them or taking off my headset?
There seems to be absolutely no way.
I would even be willing to spend 10€ for OVR Toolkit, which I even did. But this only works with motion controllers. There is a another tool called OVRdrop, that kind of works without motions controllers, but I only managed to attach the screen to my View. So everytime I move my head it also move and blocks part of my view… so no way this makes sense.
I mean really? Did you not even think about the fact that people who use flight sims use aditional screens to display information?
Not even a notepad with simple text is possible. Do the devs expect us to take the Headset off all the time?
I dug into this and yes it theoretically works, but is a bit bugged atm.
At least for me the Hotkey for simmode minimises the game. Rebindung to something MSFS is not using doesn’t help.
As long as the window is attached to the HMD or the Index controllers it also works without sim mode. But as soon as it is detached the window vanishes.
Dev is aware tho and will try to fix it soon according to discord.
So it should work soon.
Hmm ok. For me it did work, but I decided to not use steamvr anymore (ovr toolkit does not work without steamvr) as I use the oculus openxr runtime now.