would it be too much to ask for the issues that have been fixed on live to be listed in the patch notes, like every other developer does when releasing patch notes?
in the space of 3 patches we’ve gone from 50±line patch notes, to 3-line, and now to 1-line.
The patch notes always list every change in the new version. Today’s hotfix release only resolved a single issue, hence why the patch notes had only one bullet point.
After the failed launch of the MSFS 2024 simulator, Microsoft / Asobo has learned nothing. The developer still does not communicate clearly, we do not know what kind of repair work is going on in the background. There are hundreds of bugs, I would like to see a list of what they are working on, what bugs they will fix in January.
My opinion is that they still do not care about us, there is no honest communication. Microsoft / Asobo said that they are watching and reading the forum. I do not think they will do this, because then they would see what the community needs.
I agree …you could argue its in MS/Asobo’s interest to have more playing 2020 at the moment than 2024 …
People have bought 2024 …so cash in pocket.
No market place yet in 2024 …no further revenue, however the 2020 marketplace is still open…$$$$
Why do you think that is the case? What would marketplace opening do? You already have access to all the existing addons that you purchased in the marketplace.
The marketplace being closed off prevents new purchase.
The only thing I can see is that more developers may release compatible versions when the marketplace opens up. May be that will increase the engagement number. I hope that is indeed the case as I also want this new sim to succeed.
But without some major fixes coming in soon, I don’t see this sim becoming great anytime soon. May be in 2 years sure, 2020 took that long to.
I used a clean content.xml, deleted the xml file and LocalCache\SceneryIndexes\
Also tried disabling addons from the sim to be sure it wasn’t some manual editing problem but it still duplicates entries.
Why all the radio silence from the devs? Are they that ashamed to show their faces with this disaster of a launch. Up until this release they were excellent with their news by releasing frequent videos explaining everything……seems like they just took our money and went into hiding. I thought this team was setting a new standard for keeping us up to date….guess I was foolish into thinking so. The dev may be busy but Jorg and possibly other can do a quick update on where we stand….i think they owe us at least that much. I was one of the ones who was defending the devs thinking they were busy with fixes, but the most basic of stuff don’t work on a lot of aircraft. 3rd party devs have had fixes long ago but are waiting on Microsoft to release them. Wasn’t that suppose to be one of the ideas of the whole streaming thing….? I think it’s time for me to go from optimistic to realistic
The silence is because they went back to “business as usual” with weekly updates on Thursdays that are covering not much more than some marketing speech.
They are now pretending that the current state is good enough to not require any further hotfixes and we now have to wait for the scheduled Sim Updates.
They’re happy with the current situation. They know people will keep buying, current users will keep defending them and others just don’t care, that’s the majority of users right there, so they don’t have any incentive to take drastic measures and solve this faster. They’ll just take their time like nothing has ever happened.
Business as usual…
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So far, the only thing that MSFS / Asobo have acknowledged is the CDN issue at launch, not the User Interface for control bindings, or the lack of Quality Assurance testing.
Last year, Sonos (maker of speakers) undertook to redesign their app - which was a disaster. It had a confusing interface, was buggy, and omitted a lot of features that existed in the previous version that people wanted. The stock dropped, and the CEO eventually stepped down. A board member stepped in as interim CEO, and sent an email to employees:
“When it doesn’t work, our customers are taken out of the moment and are right to feel that we’ve let them down. I think we’ll all agree that this year we’ve let far too many people down… Getting back to basics is necessary…” - Tom Conrad, Sonos
I don’t think MSFS would exist without Jorg Neumann’s enthusiasm and optimism for the platform, and he has a tough job convincing users, developers, and his bosses that it can be done. But he needs to “get back to basics” and convince his bosses that QA needs to be a priority going forward.
As someone who’s been feeling a bit frustrated with the lack of communication, I’m curious to know what you all think ideal communication looks like. I heard that the Asobo team just started working again last week after their holiday break. They mentioned on their blog last Thursday that we’ll get a feedback snapshot this week to see what they’re working on. They’re also planning a dev livestream. I’m just wondering what the community’s expectations are for communication.
Also, keep in mind that the lack of communication feels longer because the Asobo team had two weeks off for the holidays. They’ve only been back to work for a week, and we did get a blog update.
My expectations are weekly updates (which we’re starting to get. What is being worked on (which we will get this Thursday), and transparency on the state of the sim (which we really haven’t gotten much of).
they can’t keep using the holidays as an excuse. the sim has been out long enough now. Its not like it was release christmas eve. Nov 19 until now with the number of people working on MSFS2024 should at least have even the basics fixed. How is that some games with a few devs can release daily/weekly updates but this huge team can’t? Like I mentioned the 3rd party devs had fixes for their aircraft long ago but are waiting for the Microsoft team to release their update. I mean landing lights not even lighting up the ground in front of you?? How did that ever make it past their “testing team”?