You’ve never been to France, have you?
Water under the bridge. No use complaining about it now. Over and done.
Well, more like only over, not done yet, that’s what we’re all waiting for.
Or the the questions were subpar.
The complaining won’t stop until the sim gets to a state it should have been at launch. Lets hope they pull of a miracle with SU1.
Better coms would be a good start in rebuilding what was lost in the last 2 months.
I fully realize some people just cant help themselves, even though its blatantly obvious the devs arent going to deviate from the communication schedule they have in place.
There seems to be a popular belief among those complaining the loudest that they are applying more pressure on the devs to answer their calls for more communication. Obviously never going to work, but rant on folks!
We know they won’t change. That’s the problem. The coms are lacking for what the sim currently is. They would be ok if there wasn’t such a mess.
If you actually read my comment you would see I said better not more. That’s a big difference.
I read what you wrote, and understand what you want from the devs. Its just so obvious they aren’t going to change what they’ve always done regardless of the social media opinions. It’s not going to happen.
Even if they don’t listen doesn’t mean we should just be quiet. It’s also not a good look for a developer to ignore their community. That’s how you lose customers.
Just because the devs havent deviated from their long practiced communication schedule doesn’t mean they are ignoring the community. It simply means they have a schedule and are adhering to it.
At this point, I want them to completely give up on the sim just to see what happens in this thread.
If it would be remotely possible to coordinate with all of us players so that NO ONE fired up MSFS2024 in a day, I’d like to see their reaction, no more beta (paying) testers!
Considering the ammount of replies in this thread maybe their comms schedule needs changes. Not saying they actually will but they should.
Quoted from the Jan 9th blog, only 4 days ago:
We have analyzed all the feedback provided over the past weeks and months and are prioritizing bug fixes and improvements based on community input. Because of this, we are spending this week working on the Feedback Snapshot and will have an updated version for you in next week’s blog.
Doesn’t seem like they are ignoring the community to me.
Sounds like a plan to me
That’s quite a vague statement but lets see what comes of it. Still no info on the missing features which were in the trailer and are in the loading screen animation.
Having paid their money and got past the end of the refund period, the opinions of many customers are now largely irrelevant.
To bring about any substantive change, as many customers as possible need to become “Former Customers”. Refund rates are what the beancounters take notice of.
If you can, request a refund. I requested one for PD and it was processed quickly with no argument.
If a refund is denied, start pushing for exemptions from the official 14 days refund time limit. We have been asked to be patient and told everything will be fine (eventually).
If an unusually large number of MSFS 2024 customers become former MSFS 2024 customers there is a chance that this situation will never happen again.
They can’t give detailed statements and a plan about the bugs and feedback if they are reviewing it. I get the frustration because of the awful roll out of the sim and it’s not ready, but they have been communicating and have given us some updates and even some smaller patch fixes. The holidays are over now so I’m curious to see what gets delivered over the next 3 months.
Clearly many of the commentators here have never worked in large companies or within complex projects involving multi disciplined teams, I don’t know why anyone is surprised the devs are not at the beck and call of some of its loudest customers. Personally I’m waiting for this weeks update and the announcement of the next Q&A, i’m sure it’s painfully obvious to all those involved in the games development that significant and widespread fixes are required and I’m sure with best endeavours they are working to improve the situation in the shortest possible timescales. Yes I’m deeply disappointed but also realistic in my expectations.
A very interesting thread to read from a professional perspective. I do work in corporate communications for many years now including community management and here my two passions come together: aviation/flightsimming and communications. It’s tough to see that at the moment the team is frankly unable to communicate anything to us (i.e. the new weekly challenges) without community members jumping at them and asking for this and that and everything. Sign number one for a sh**storm in full swing. The number of posts is immense, the number of platforms on which the rage is going on is broad and it is simply impossible to answer every single question anymore. That state should be the last moment you realize that you need to switch your commucation method to “emergency mode”. Daily updates, a dedicated website with all the collected topics from different sources with relevant answers, an outlook on what to expect and roughly when and so on and push that information to the community all the time. Of course this is a heavy hitter on personal resources but it is the only way out besides just ignoring everything and hoping that you are going to make it through like an ostrich…
And then there is the other side of the medal: we as a community and our expectations and behaviour. We should all calm down a bit and look forward to a 2025 with lots of fun stuff to come. Yes MS/Asobo should have postponed the release, there are way too many bugs. But on the other hand we where able to use/test the new sim since november 19th, we just need to declare it as a beta-version to ourselfs and look at it that way. Nobody was hurt physically, nothing was taken away. It just needs some time and clarification.
To combine the two sides: WE need patience and MS/Asobo should give us a heads-up with a more clearer picture of what we can expect by doing so.
I would not even need a change of schedule if the information given would be better / more detailed.
The thursday update isnt much more than a marketing newsletter. At least this is what it looked like in the past.
But at the current state we should be given a full list of bugs, how they priorised it and when a fix can be expected for each bug if things go as planned.
Right now we are staring at a black box with bugs that have not wven been mentioned yet, 2 months after launch.
Just take VR and all it’s issues.
It needs quite a lot of workarounds to get the toolbar in VR.
Once you have it, you can not use the EFB.
And when you switch back to 2D mode there is a good chance that the toolbar and all toolbar panels are no longer responsive.
This Bugs were reported within hours after release. They are marked as “logged” bit there is not a single line about if they are currently working on a fix already, if it will be on SU1 or a hotfix.
VR was portrayed as a separate platform but apparently it isnt getting any attention at all.
Just as if they completely abandoned the VR platform.
And this is jist one example where communication is failing. The list can be extended indefintely.
Its not the frequency of communication. It is the detail of information provided that is the problem.