Lake hopping in a flying dinghy in my home-county

Come and join me in Cumbria as we fly from lake to lake in the English Lake District… with a probably sojourn to the coast to check out some of the ORBX scenery.No flight-plan, we’re just gonna wing it.

Recommended craft, the Polaris AM-F1B by Bluemesh (currently on sale in the Sim Marketplace). ORBX’s UK central scenery which contains hundreds of minor POIs across Northern England and Wales is also a bonus.

Discord: [SquawkTorque] for more updates and to download flight plans and liveries

I’ve amended the start time to 6:30, so that I (and probably anyone who joins me) can also get to Twotonemurphy’s flight to Machu Picchu.

Don’t know if there’s a way to update the event I created in the calendar though