Landing physics don't reflect reality

On the “true to life” setting, I’d expect proper G-force tolerance of aircraft, but in this game you can really slam the planes to the ground and still get away with it. It’s very unrealistic. Some suspension in the landing gear would be nice as well.

there is suspension in the landing gear, but you are right. especially the 747 behaves so wrong


Hello, I completely agree with you, whatever the plane it is of a disconcerting ease, they should have entrusted the design to aviation enthusiasts. It’s too bad, so beautiful and so unrealistic!

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Hi @MRUnster,
I agree with you on this. :slight_smile:

If you haven’t already, file a zendesk on it. It’s not really a “bug” but probably put it under “Feedback & Feature Request”.

Submit a request – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

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Thanks for the tip. I just submitted the request. Doesn’t the dev team read this forum though? If they don’t, it’s kind of pointless.

I’ve seen some suspension in the front wheel on some planes but the main landing gear is very stiff. I really can’t see any compression whatsoever, even on hard landings.

Edit: I see it now on some planes, those that have shocks. But on those without like the old Cessna, there’s no flex at all.

They do, but it’s wayyyyy easier for them to get all the issues in the zendesk system, in order to sort them and solve them.

Some camera bounce in the cockpit view on touchdown would also be nice, to let you know how smooth your landing was. You don’t really “feel” the landings in this game.

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this is a great suggestion. you should post it separately. a camera shake would be great

We might get the camera shake when the X-Plane add-on makers of XPRealistic make a version for MSFS which is in the plan. But it would be even better if it was already part of the game.

I don’t know if this changed, but in the current version I’ve noticed different aircraft have different tolerance to hard landings. With the Diamond A62, it seemed almost alright. A somewhat harsh landing ended the flight (landing gear damaged). But with the Cessna 172, I slammed the planned several times really hard and nothing happened. I bounced up and continued flying.

What’s also ridiculous is that with non-float planes, one wheel touches the water at a beach and the flight ends, but slamming the plane to the ground is OK (just don’t let the propeller touch the ground, that always ends the flight).

On a side note to this…on hard setting landing a plane over mlw would make you pay somehow…but not in this “sim”

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