With latest update ( my game, which has no problem until I land, starts to stutter a lot 2-3 meters before landing and causes me to lose control. I fly for 3 hours, everything is fine, but when it comes to landing gently, the game goes haywire. Very frustrating. Is anyone having this problem?
You are not alone. Same problems. Game runs at 80-90 FPS on high. As soon as an airport or landing strip in sight, stuttering and frames drops down to 10-20 FPS.
why this is happening to us? what did we done wrong ?
Hi @ProfDrCaptain ,
Thank you for this report. We’ve moved your topic into the User Support Hub.
The Bug Reporting Hub is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug report. Using the template or providing all the relevant information about your bug and sim setup is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.
If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the User Support Hub category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.
If you believe it is a new report and no duplicate exists, then create a new bug topic using the provided topic template.
All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.
same problem
Having the same issue. It is caused by the usage of VRAM (as shown by OpenXR toolkit in VR); it exceeds 100%when approaching the airport landing strip and the second VRAM usage overflows, FPS drops and renders MSFS2024 unplayable. It´s the same issue over and over and kills all the fun to the point where I´m seriously considering returning to MSFS2020 for a while
Stutters near rwy (on final), on rwy and taxis for example EDDS apr rwy 07…
Using default Aircraft like pc 12, tbm or also with Fenix A320.
4080 super
64 ram
Win 11
Please fix this! Its an immersionkiller 1000%…
I`'m having more or less the same, problem; but only in mission mode.
I fly helicopters, and in free flight I have no problems there. But, in mission mode, as soon as I get to ground efect, the image shutters, more or less like if I suddenly passed to 3-4 FPS, and remains so for maybe a second (a very critical second when landing!)
I’ve been facing the same issue. I’ve tried different planes and airports, but the frames drop considerably when I am about to touchdown.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that it’s more evident the more I use the simulator.
How can we promote this topic in a bug to be corrected by Asobo?
Use an existing Bug Report such as this:
I was reading but it’s so much information to provide.
This issue only happens when I’m landing at the arrival airport after 1 hour or so of flying.
I’ll either wait for someone to do that or wait Asobo to find the issue and fix it by itself lol
Same issue here as well.
Does anyone have any workaround? It’s impossible to land smoothly.
I already did. I tired of flying for 1h and don’t get to land because all of a sudden my 80fps drop to 10 when I get closer to the runway. I’m not gonna spend my time on this game anymore. Back to msfs2020
You’re not alone bro.
Someone told me it was a hardware limitation based on Sebastian’s answer in the last livestream, but definitely, it isn’t. It’s a bug that must be addressed.
I’ll try later post details of this issue here.
Same here:/
64gb Ram
Departure airport big or small, traffic, take off, climb, cruise, descent, all smooth and stutter free. Right on final that last 100ft to touchdown I get stutters and then once I roll out it’s back to smooth and no stutters… specifically just on final…
Even in a asobo cesna 172 I’ll get stutters as I’m about to touch down but every other phase of flight before or after that it’s smooth and great…
Same here, with MSFS2024 SU1 Beta 2. Everything’s fine until I land on short final.
Anyone can share a bug report that WE all collectively can vote ?
Instead of adding a template to this topic, it would be a better idea for you to create a new topic in the forum section dedicated to the MSFS 2024 beta version.
Latest Sim Update 1 Beta | MSFS 2024/Install, Performance & Graphics topics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Thanks @TenPatrol for your feedback. I don’t know if your reply was for me? I’m not the top #1 supporter of creating new post as it seems there’s already one. In the meantime, I may have identify one.
I think that our landing performance problem or issue that occures after a smooth flight could be related to the well-known VRAM issue or could be related to VRAM usage. This post with 600+ votes has a lot of comments and post where people suffer from landing sudden lost of fluidity. It may be usefull to support: FPS performance - VRAM bug?