The lateral AP navigation is broken since the latest update, if you try to do a turn using the AP on any plane, first it will go normally but then after 2/3 of it, the plane will start to level off and it will take forever to reach the desired heading.
You can try it on the C172 G1000 for exemple :
start a 150° turn, it will take 100 seconds to fully make it, and 60 seconds of those 100 to do the last 30° !
During an ILS approach, it will do the snake dance : turn, overshoot, turn, overshoot, turn, overshoot…
Same problem here, all headings are offset to the right. If I do not land manually, the airplane would crash in the terminal or outside the airport. And if I like to fly a heading of 090 I have to select about 082
So this would explain why my King Air 350 last night was acting up. I had to constantly bring it back to course via HDG mode and then it’d deviate again. There were segments of the cruise where heading would be ok but in several other parts it was definitely off to the right.
The freeware developer of the turbo bonanza, Robert Young, who is also working on the DA62, was ready to give up this morning, since Asobo changed the AP, freeware dev cannot modify and improve it anymore, it’s locked.
I think hotfixes will be at point of need and not every month, but a major screw up of this caliber is really an amateur hour. All my default planes are banking 80 degrees on NAV engage. LOL
I think they “smoothed out” the turning rates of the planes a bit too much with their AP tweaks. It will still get the turns for me, but the AP turns are VERY slow. As a result, it will often overshoot ILS approaches and such.
Actually it worked perfect for me in the A320 just now (no mod). Curves were doing fine. I had to fly the approach that way because of another bug, when it skipped to the final waypoint instead of flying the approach.