Latest gltfExporter (0.17.0) from 3dsMax seem to not link texture properly

After updating to SDK 0.17.0 every GLTF that I export from 3dsMax seems to error when Building package in MSFS. Only new models that export with new SDK have these problems. The old GLTF has no problem at all. Am I missing something/requirement with this new SDK?
I think my texture stays in the right place as usual. :thinking:

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Alright here’s how I fix it, for now

This is my setting in 3dsMax when export GLTF.

I compare it to the old .gltf that was exported with the previous SDK version. There are some things added.

So I remove it.

Then save it.

After fixing it I can build the package without any problems.
But it’s not fun to do this every time after exporting the GLTF.

Again, am I missing something or some step in the process? is it me or the SDK? :sweat_smile:


I have e some problem here…thank’s for temp solution

I give up editing the GLTF file now. :rofl: I export everything to the same folder and then use a script to move every texture file into the texture sub-folder. So it’s a bit easier, but I still need to run the script every time after exporting the GLTF file.

but if I edit the model without updating any texture, I uncheck the export texture option so I don’t need to move any texture files. :+1: