Does anyone know who makes the announcement that latest NVIDIA drivers is good to use with MSFS2020?
It’s me.
No, they are not.*
*unless you are willing to turn off HAGS
What do you mean by its me? And will MSFS2020 make the announcement that it’d ok to update the drivers for NVIDIA or does NVIDIA make that announcement?
OK it’s not really me but AFAIK nVidia has acknowledged an issue.
What is hags?
Nvidia have form for breaking games. Unless there’s a compelling reason update to the latest version, such as a security fix or specific bug fix, it’s always worth waiting to see what happens. Game developers don’t usually announce compatibility with Nvidia or AMD drivers unless there is a specific fix for their game.
Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling
Go to Win 10: Settings, System, Display and click “Graphics settings”.
Turn HAGS on or off.
I’m using the beta running DX12 and there doesn’t seem to be any problems now…
HAGS on or off, no difference.
For me anyhow, YMMV
The driver’s dated 26.11.2021 and is WHQL so as Nvidia haven’t issued a hotfix already then I’m pretty certain this problem is now Asobo’s to sort out (along with the devs of other affected software). However I’m sure Nvidia will be giving them support.
Are you updated toi the latest Nvidia drivers too?
By turning this off for the latest driver doesn’t this increase latency. The reason why HAGS is on is to reduce latency and improve performance. Unless this is just the workaround for those who want to remain on the current driver.
Yup. 497.09 driver
Was crashing and acting funny before but with the new MSFS beta and DX12 it seems to be behaving itself now.
(CPU i7-9700, GPU RTX 2070Super, 32Gb RAM, OS Win 10)
O ok so that should definitely be off?
Either roll back from NV 497.03, disable HAGS or use DX12. They all work.
I’m on the latest, and I’ve tried both DX11 and DX12. Both worked fine. I got one CTD with the latest, but one thing I did was go into the main 3d Settings tab in the NCP, and clicked restore defaults. I hope this helps.
CTD Issues Nvidia Drivers – Downloaded Nvidia 496.76 and installed. Reset Direct X12 (beta) to 11, turned HAGS (WIN10 Settings, Display, Graphics) back to the on position and restarted the machine. All good at this stage.
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