Let aircraft maintain their own spacing while taxiing

ATC in MSFS appears to have copied most of the faults inherent in FSX/P3d without adding a great deal.
My first request would be for a simplification of the existing system before we try to add any new improvements. Please can we stop trying to control taxiing aircraft with constant ATC instructions to stop / restart taxiing. Just get rid of it entirely and allow taxiing aircraft to maintain their own visual separation from other aircraft as is the case at most airports. When there is time to develop an enhanced ATC system then perhaps the phraseology should be along the lines of…
Aircraft “C/S request taxi”
ATC “C/S taxi to the holding point RW27 follow the Easy A320 (previous aircraft to request taxi”

I made a similar request to improve the ground atc some time ago:

To be fair, most of the time I have received these it is due to ground vehicles on the taxiway, not other aircraft.

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At a busy airport a lot of it is generated by other aircraft. At a well designed airport ground vehicles should not be on a taxiway. On an apron its see and be seen and not ATC responsibility to separate vehicles from aircraft. Vehicle drivers should give way to aircraft, although its probably asking too much for AI vehicles to be programmed to obey complex regulations. I reduce the number of vehicles to a minimum and keep the number of aircraft to a maximum that frame rates will permit.


I have seen vehicles avoid me. If I taxi up to them they will slow to a halt, then attempt to go around me.

Well as I said, I have them turned right down, I would rather see aircraft.