Let’s all fly like a pro. (Over 18000feet)

You may not be aware of that in the real aviation world, when one flyes over a sertain hight , all aircraft fly on Fligh level.
In MSFS I encourage everyone : when climbing higher than 18000-19000’ press ‘B’ on your keyboard ! Same when decending between 18000-17000’ press ‘B’ again.

If we all practice this, MSFS should almost be like in the real world !
More info : Flight level - Wikipedia

In the UK and Europe it depends on the transition altitude, usually 6000ft in the UK

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Hi, correct the rutines varies in europe, in US it’s 18000’ as a standard, MSFS has adopted US and ‘’programmed’ the B keybord key to reflect this. No need to tune in 1013 or local QNH when hitting B key.