Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Brief description of the issue:
lot of missing buildings (cargo terminal, aeroville mall…) some misplaced buildings (some even overlap the taxiway), floating objects, floating static cars on parking lot… and more to discover.
the package is about half size compare to what it was before, not surprising that half of the buildings are missing.
great optimization.
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
go all around the airport to see all the downgrade and regression
PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)
9900K, 48GB RAM, GTX1080, SSD
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?
yes #106384
please add your pictures.
in bonus, an aircraft on top of a building
Can confirm all of this wackiness.
Also the bridge south of terminal 1 will instantly crash your airplane. I wish someone would take more time on these issues and not create new ones.
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Performance seems to have improved though.
Maybe it was done to sacrifice performance or maybe not. Haha love your name and profile pic.
I wanted to go with Agent Pancake but someone already beat me to it
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It make sense that performance has improved since half of the buildings are missing. package is 300MB instead of 700MB.
Hope they do the same to EDDF
improve performance or remove half of the buildings?
I have the exact same issue at LFPG (missing some building)
I even try with an empty “community” folder and same issue : still missing some buildings
I’m fed-up to wait for some fix, I reinstall the original release of LFPG from my DVD and didn’t update the airport.
now everything is ok, no big wall introduce in first update, no screw up of last update.
you are lucky to have the DVD version, and being able to switch back to the old version which contain the right version of LFPG
I tried to remove the LFPG folder and update MSFS, but no success
I think I will have to wait for the next update…
I am pleasantly surprised to see that even though there is no mention in the changelog. LFPG has had most major issues ironed out in this update!
last world update brought also LFPG update (without mentioning it in any log, thank you)
from V 0.1.52 to V 0.1.54
what they (seem) have corrected
- buildings are all there and in place
- invisible wall on taxiway D has been removed (maybe it was due to misplaced buildings)
what they didn’t correct
- terrain issues (bumps and non-leveled bridges)
- floating foreign objects (introduced during previous updates)
how comes those floating objects haven’t been removed with this update? it has been reported to zendesk!
the texture appear very late on some buildings, maybe this is the way they found to increase performance… this is their choice.
Finally with SU5, LFPG looks not bad.
no more floating objects, terrain has been reshaped.
but some new bumps have appeared.
at least this is some thing I can handle, now i can drop my DVD version to this last update (V 0.1.57)