Limited by mainthread only at engines shutdown

No issues so far during all phases of flight. I get solid FPS and no mainthread limitation. As soon as I ■■■■ down the engines on the 320NX I get limited by mainthread, GPU usage drops to 30% and FPS cut in half. This happens only with the FBW A320 and no way to recover after the drop

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Topic moved into #self-service:pc-hardware

The #third-party-addon-discussion:hardware category is for vendors who sell hardware.

Here are two pics. Can somebody help?

First pic at parking before shutting engines down. Second pic 10 seconds later after shutdown

That seems to be the key sentence to me. Perhaps ask the FBW people directly, or start a thread in the 3rd Party Aircraft forum.

Topic was created in 3d party forum but admin moved it

The sentence I cued in on was probably missed by the Admin when they moved it. Maybe change the title of your thread or start a new one with FBW A320 in the title, or find another of the (many) threads about that mod and ask the developers about it.

I had a chat of the FBW discord with one of the dev but looks like nobody was able to reproduce the issue. Anyone experiencing this problem at engine shut down with the 320NX. I’m trying to find a solution for months