Limited Collector's Edition INSIDE the USA

Sorry, I forgot it was in the DVD box🙄
My 9 yo Grandson was “helping” me a nanosecond after it was delivered so… :grin:


I think we are all owed an upgrade to Aviator!!!

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Hi ReactedSpace834,
Welcome to the forums. You might be in the wrong thread, as everyone who purchased the Limited Collector’s Edition has the Aviator Edition.

I guess I’ll see what happens. I have a tracking number, but FedEx STILL doesn’t have the package.

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Sorry, I guess you are in the right thread. Sorry to hear!

In a few years, kids will be saying, “What’s a DVD box?” :smile: :sob:

Okay, so Aerosoft wrote me and said the following:

We can all agree that Aerosoft did nothing wrong, amirite??? :rage:


Just got shipping information on Wednesday… delivery on Saturday…

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