No autopilot in any of my missions. I think, and it’s only me thinking, it has to do with thermals and/or weather. Other airplanes have the trim going erratic also during missions but settle during landing sequence. I’ve checked Assistances and AI trim is off. Other times, there’s zero issues. Baffled.
Now I’ve learned the Cessna 208 has a steady trim during missions, why this one and not the others?
With that said, I really am learning to enjoy the Career mode. I think it’s a great feature. But once this trim chaos is fixed it won’t be so stressful though.
I’m having trouble understanding because I haven’t seen it. Trim is a physical control that has an indicator. Its actuated either by button or axis or automation.
You’re saying that you’re observing that indicator go from stop to stop in turbulence without being commanded by you or the autopilot to do so? I’ve seen pitch go all over the place, but I’ve never seen trim move uncommanded without some sort of binding or automation (including assistance) controlling it.
I know we are no where near mentioning polish items with all the major bugs right now, but I also noticed the Tail numbers on your career planes seem to change quite frequently, seems like whatever randomizer for employee mode continues to half work for your owned planes… or at least they stay consistent until you fly the same type of plane in another mode. I feel like a random tail number should be generated on purchase, and be stored information and visible when managing the aircraft… and stay consistent.
It’s only with Missions. I was able to take a ‘good trim’ video in free flight with C172 but the video screen shooter thingy doesn’t want to work again or I was going to post the issue. Taking off in missions, trim is solid, it’s only when getting to the spot the passengers want to observe/take pictures, the Blue Doughnut, that’s when the the trim goes erratic.
A few times I received an aviator penalty because the sim thought I landed on the wrong runway. I announced for example landing on 26 and the sim recognized 08. Anybody else witnessed this?
Additional Bug: Skipping to descent may lead to a crash into the ground, if your altitude at the moment is lower than the ground altitude at your destination.
I learned this in a VIP Mission where I skipeed at ~5000ft and the destination was ~6000ft.
I then restarted and flew up to 8000ft and had no issues.
I think the “comms while overflying” is more bugged than expected; I was taking off out of a mission in Hawaii (I forget which one right now) in the Bonanza, was about 500’ midfield and got a “leaving my airspace, frequency change approved” at which point I also got a “overfly without comms” ding. (shrug). Um, he just told me to change comms…
Yeah, I got one departing Vandenberg AFB last night - 2 miles north, still inside the delta, still talking to tower, no other airports or heliports in that area. Otherwise almost a perfect flight.
To avoid the completely crazy turbulence experienced by GA aircraft, especially the C172, then leave passing your IR rating certificate until you really must take it to progress.
Yeah I know it’s cheesing the game, but the turbulence is just nuts for GA on most missions.
Bought my Caravan yesterday, was looking for my first medium cargo flight, luckily I decided to check take off and landing airports, the destination was a ■■■■ water runway probably best to start checking those, I’d of probably uninstalled if I did a 3:30 flight and couldn’t finish the mission due to a missing land runway
There’s no excuse for the mission generator not using flags to check for runway/airport compatibility. But I’m not aware of any such coding that exists to delineate them as such under the hood.
Another bug in the taxi stage is when you are told by the game to cross or enter an active runway…
An other workaround is to use the radio interface and ask for a takeoff permission from the tower, once you have to cross the takeoff runway for the first time. With the permission, you still get the annoying message, but it is not accounted for at the end. You then also can just backtrack the runway, saves you a lot of taxi way and time.
Live Weather avoidance
Since missions need live weather (sucks currently in Europe), you can deactivate the “live Weather” setting in the -(>General Settings → Online Tab) once the mission briefing is loaded, but do it before you actually start the mission. This will gives you for once a nice an quiet flight. Just don’t forget to activate it again before want to choose the next mission.
(But no bad weather bonus / or use a plane that can fly above. But then you still have to land with up to 20kts from the side
Medevac Flights
To avoid returns because of patient being in critical situation and therefore failure of the mission, don’t climb with more then 500 to 700ft per minute. Also really read the full sim brief, it gives you details on what to look at especially. The patient status will only be checked once, once you reach cruise altitude. Also accelerate smoothly during takeoffs the caravan starts quick enough. A takeoff power of 50% is about enough, increase power later only slowly during the climb to reach speed.
Once in cruise, make sure to the set the barometric pressure to standard (1013mbar), until the patient has been examined. After that you can dial in the setting given by ATC. Let him complain, while the examination goes on, but you need the checkup for the score.
Again, if the checkup is negative, your start and climb was not smooth enough, restart. Flying back and landing will give you nothing but a mission failure.
If you skip to the descent phase it won’t matter. Even if you have the landing light on the skip will turn it off and immediately penalise you, and this happens no matter how quickly I try to turn it back on. Unfortunately it’s a binary choice ATM, either suffer the reputation hit or suffer 3 hours of boring cruise.
With all the issues we are currently having to deal with, I’m starting to think that MSFS really stands for MicroSoft Flight Suffering…
I am so done with this low effort, undercooked, scam of a career mode. In some missions, you cant even respond to the ATC instructions in time to avoid getting a ‘missed atc instruction’ penalty. This flight I got 4 of them and I got a negative procedure score dropping me instantly from an S reputation to a D.
Moment ago I was taxiing off the runway at LDSB airport in Croatia and after leaving runway and receiving clearance to go to the GA parking my Cessna 172 just flipped over and my mission was over with „aircraft crashed” information.
It was strange, cause I just released the brakes and give a little power to start rolling again and plane has just jump on the face like I was diving vertically with high speed.
Parachuting is absolutely broken and so is flightseeing. Save your credits and just avoid the helicopter side altogether. If you wished to do the 5 flights, B or above to do the aerial advertising, don’t waste your time. I’ve got an ‘A’ on 12 of them and not a single one has counted to unlock this.
Every airport demands you taxi the helicopter, sometime a half a mile or more, cross two or more runways to a helipad that never existed. Returning from your flight, you’ll end up having to park on , in, or as close as you can get to buildings.
Everything gives you penalties and the passengers ■■■■■ nonstop regardless of how smooth the flight, exactly the same every time. The credit payout is also absurdly small for a 45 minute flight. Unlock the higher tier career stuff and you find just more utterly unfinished and untested trash.
I cannot find a single positive thing to say about the sim. Developers leave us uninformed , staring at a lie.