I have a dream about this mode changing for simmers who want an authentic multiplayer experience and getting it as real as we can in a home simulator. Here’s a few points I have been thinking about since the sim came out:
All aircraft start on gate or parking (helipads). (No more starting on runway)
No AI, only players
ATC recognizes all player aircraft
ATC done right and gives correct instructions and separations etc.
Not following/using ATC will give a few warnings then you will be booted from “Live Simulation”
Live weather always on
This ones a long shot, but here goes: VOIP for radio chatter on frequencies for an area around airports. I know this might get people doing things we don’t like, but a playerlist for all AC in the chat so you can easily mute them would be a solution
Any one else got some points which I might have missed?
I’m very familiar with Vatsim but it’s just not my cup of tea. Mainly because it’s intimidating to get into and secondly not in all situations you can talk to other people. Say you are in an environment with kids in the room, or you have to be quiet because you are flying with your headset on.
There are reasons for both variations and i respect that people like Vatsim and use it mainly for all flights.
It’s just not for everyone. That’s why having options isn’t a bad thing
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