Live snow, ice, and official liveries coming with Sim Update 2

" Everyone will receive a unique Microsoft Flight Simulator- themed livery for the entire launch plane fleet and simmers will be able to fly with the same cute dog-themed liveries that Rufus and Sam flew in their Pitts Special. Finally, given the time of year, the update will add real-time snow and true-to-life ice coverage to the entire planet."

Hopefully with the liveries they fix the mirroring issues found on the 747 and 787 as well as A320neo winglets. Excited for some live snow and ice! Will lakes/water bodies freeze over? Place your bets!


Forgot about frozen lakes and ponds but that would be GREAT!!! Landing on a frozen lake would be fun.


Still no real-world liveries? Shame.

Already done by Liveries Mega Pack. Asobo would have to deal with legal licensing for each airline.

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Already said previously on Q@A, they are waiting authorization\confirmation from all airliner company to get approved for license, eventually it will be done.


Same thing I posted in another thread. Real time snow is great… with a weather system that can accurately model it. Right now we are using a forecast system that can’t produce accurate information. I think many will be disappointed when they discover a field where it’s been snowing IRL for 12+ hours and MSFS only shows partly cloudy skies.


Well, given real time rain is basically broken too, I hope that gets improved as well. There’s a lot more places around the world where it rains but doesn’t snow…

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Well, MeteoBlue gets its data from real METARS. And real METARS are sometimes wrong. I’ve seen it myself. In real life, I’m a ramp dude at KBTR so am out in the real life weather at that airport at that time. And guess what? I look at the KBTR METAR and TAF ever hour as they affect my workload. Most of the time these are within acceptable tolerances, same as MSFS Live Weather. But sometimes I’ve seen the METAR saying it’s CAVOK when it’s really +RA OVC020 EMBDD TS and vice versa. Garbage in, garbage out. Don’t blame the game for relying on data that is sometimes wrong, and over which MeteoBlue has no control.


I agree. But even when the in sim conditions attempt rain, it doesn’t work. I’ve flown into very heavy rain shafts in game, and nothing. Reduced visibility and haze, but no actual rain depicted. Apparently it’s a bug with live weather, it is only capable of very light rain. Only when custom weather is used, is heavier rain is possible.


Agree. I use live weather and at best have encountered very light rain and the oddity there is, sun is visible. It is hazy and that creates a light that I haven’t seen in even light rainy condition.

Awesome news! And the video with Sam and Rufus was a hoot! Really looking forward to the snow and ice conditions.

I’m very aware that METARS can be wrong. With that being said, the reality is we rely on them to be mostly accurate. There’s a reason why the #2 Top Bug topic is inaccurate weather. I’m sorry, but thousands of people experiencing the same issue is fact. Simply put, more often than not, the weather just isn’t accurate enough. Plenty of examples showing these inaccuracies. I’m glad they continue to work on it, but my point was really just that folks will find airports where it’s been snowing for hours to only show cloudy/overcast skies. If I was at my computer, I could screenshot a dozen examples of these issues that resolves itself using 3rd party mods…

I really hope so !
Just arrived at Happy Valley Goose Bay (CYYR) at about -11°C and there is nothing about ice and snow.
To x-check this I had a look to some webcams and there is a lot of snow there at the moment :smiley:

I’ve noticed this myself. I somehow got the “Hydropaning” achievement for flying 50 hours in rain, yet only once or twice have I seen raindrops on the windshield or water streaming off the side windows. Those instances took exceptionally heavy downpours. Otherwise, rain, even when shown on the vertical radar, has just been haze.

I don’t deny any of that. And when I do consecutive flights into an airport and then out again in the same plane, I might have stormy real weather inbound and clear skies 10 minutes later outbound without touching any weather settings. WTF?!?!?

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