LIVE Traffic versus Flightaware

Question: When comparing Flightaware Traffic with msfs2020 live traffic there are a lot of more planes in the air as in msfs2020 ?
Any idea why ??

because it is certainly not working! Please see this thread as well. Thanks!

No idea why, perhaps for the sake of performance (speculation) since traffic is known to be a resource liability atm. In any case, keep in mind that there’s a delay to what we see in game compared to FlightAware. Most flights I see in game are delayed 5-10 minutes irl. I don’t mind, to be honest, live traffic is awesome when it works and I can’t wait until they find a way to ramp it up without killing performance.

Yeah…the 5-10 min delay is in my opinion no problem but i want see more traffic.
For sure it is a performance issue.
Hope they can solve in near future.

Yes there’s much less planes than in flightaware, and also i use to see more planes on early stages of the , the only thing i can think is cause like they show on last snapshot they are working to improve AI traffic so maybe soon we gonna have back

No cause at ealy stage of the sim the use to have much more planes and performance was better even with airliners ai is not much heavy in this sim

Release version is a total different story. It is well documented that people have serious performance issues with live traffic enabled.

you mean offline ai traffic or live traffic cause for me live traffic is just 3-5 fps difference off - on, offline ai is bug and is like over 15 fps difference and is not working either

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