Live Weather causes problems with altimeter

#pc Microsoft Store version SU7

Using the live weather, and with the altimeter set with the real QNH, the altimeter does not indicate the real altitude of the airport. On the other hand, removing the live weather, the altimeter already marks the real altitude. Does this problem happen to you too?

Did you try setting the altimeter with keyboard command “B”?

@ Toni250250


can confirm that exists this issue about some time now. I can remember last my flights with SU7 that all was ok with QNH and real weather but now is difference about 2 HPa and maybe sometimes 200-500ft at specific location. Clouds base is still bugged on other side.

@ OMICO4146
I feel the same as you.
For example, when I am at the LFLU airport with live weather, the altimeter marks me 700 feet (I always have the altimeter well set when pressing QNH with the “B” key); Instead, when I remove the live weather, the altimeter indicates the correct altitude for the airport, which is 525 feet.
I hope this bug will be solved with the next update, since it is a problem for precision approaches …
